ImageCDNExtensions extension

  • CachedNetworkImage


copyWith({String? imageUrl, String? cacheKey, ImageWidgetBuilder? imageBuilder, PlaceholderWidgetBuilder? placeholder, ProgressIndicatorBuilder? progressIndicatorBuilder, LoadingErrorWidgetBuilder? errorWidget, Duration? placeholderFadeInDuration, Duration? fadeOutDuration, Curve? fadeOutCurve, Duration? fadeInDuration, Curve? fadeInCurve, double? width, double? height, BoxFit? fit, Alignment? alignment, ImageRepeat? repeat, bool? matchTextDirection, Map<String, String>? httpHeaders, bool? useOldImageOnUrlChange, Color? color, BlendMode? colorBlendMode, FilterQuality? filterQuality, int? memCacheWidth, int? memCacheHeight, int? maxWidthDiskCache, int? maxHeightDiskCache}) Widget
resizeImage({int? width, int? height, ImageCDNFit fit = ImageCDNFit.contain, ImageCDNFormat format = ImageCDNFormat.webp}) Widget
Resize the image to the desired size with ImageCDN service. This will return a new CachedNetworkImage with the new url.