ProImageEditorConfigs constructor

const ProImageEditorConfigs({
  1. ThemeData? theme,
  2. String heroTag = 'Pro-Image-Editor-Hero',
  3. I18n i18n = const I18n(),
  4. HelperLines helperLines = const HelperLines(),
  5. LayerInteraction layerInteraction = const LayerInteraction(),
  6. ImageEditorCustomWidgets customWidgets = const ImageEditorCustomWidgets(),
  7. ImageEditorTheme imageEditorTheme = const ImageEditorTheme(),
  8. ImageEditorIcons icons = const ImageEditorIcons(),
  9. StateHistoryConfigs stateHistoryConfigs = const StateHistoryConfigs(),
  10. ImageGeneratioConfigs imageGenerationConfigs = const ImageGeneratioConfigs(),
  11. MainEditorConfigs mainEditorConfigs = const MainEditorConfigs(),
  12. PaintEditorConfigs paintEditorConfigs = const PaintEditorConfigs(),
  13. TextEditorConfigs textEditorConfigs = const TextEditorConfigs(),
  14. CropRotateEditorConfigs cropRotateEditorConfigs = const CropRotateEditorConfigs(),
  15. FilterEditorConfigs filterEditorConfigs = const FilterEditorConfigs(),
  16. BlurEditorConfigs blurEditorConfigs = const BlurEditorConfigs(),
  17. EmojiEditorConfigs emojiEditorConfigs = const EmojiEditorConfigs(),
  18. StickerEditorConfigs? stickerEditorConfigs,
  19. ImageEditorDesignModeE designMode = ImageEditorDesignModeE.material,

Creates an instance of ProImageEditorConfigs.

  • The theme specifies the theme for the Image Editor.
  • The heroTag is a unique tag for the Image Editor widget. By default, it is 'Pro-Image-Editor-Hero'.
  • The i18n is used for internationalization settings. By default, it uses an empty I18n instance.
  • The helperLines configures helper lines in the Image Editor. By default, it uses an empty HelperLines instance.
  • The layerInteraction specifies options for the layer interaction behavior.
  • The customWidgets specifies custom widgets to be used in the Image Editor. By default, it uses an empty CustomWidgets instance.
  • The imageEditorTheme sets the theme for the Image Editor. By default, it uses an empty ImageEditorTheme instance.
  • The icons specifies the icons to be used in the Image Editor. By default, it uses an empty ImageEditorIcons instance.
  • The mainEditorConfigs configures the Main Editor. By default, it uses an empty MainEditorConfigs instance.
  • The paintEditorConfigs configures the Paint Editor. By default, it uses an empty PaintEditorConfigs instance.
  • The textEditorConfigs configures the Text Editor. By default, it uses an empty TextEditorConfigs instance.
  • The cropRotateEditorConfigs configures the Crop and Rotate Editor. By default, it uses an empty CropRotateEditorConfigs instance.
  • The filterEditorConfigs configures the Filter Editor. By default, it uses an empty FilterEditorConfigs instance.
  • The blurEditorConfigs configures the Blur Editor. By default, it uses an empty BlurEditorConfigs instance.
  • The emojiEditorConfigs configures the Emoji Editor. By default, it uses an empty EmojiEditorConfigs instance.
  • The stickerEditorConfigs configures the Sticker Editor. By default, it uses an empty StickerEditorConfigs instance.
  • The designMode specifies the design mode for the Image Editor. By default, it is ImageEditorDesignModeE.material.
  • The stateHistoryConfigs holds the configurations related to state history management. By default, it uses an empty StateHistoryConfigs instance.
  • The imageGenerationConfigs holds the configurations related to image generation. By default, it uses an empty ImageGeneratioConfigs instance.
  • The editorBoxConstraintsBuilder configures global BoxConstraints to use when opening editors in modal bottom sheets.


const ProImageEditorConfigs({
  this.heroTag = 'Pro-Image-Editor-Hero',
  this.i18n = const I18n(),
  this.helperLines = const HelperLines(),
  this.layerInteraction = const LayerInteraction(),
  this.customWidgets = const ImageEditorCustomWidgets(),
  this.imageEditorTheme = const ImageEditorTheme(),
  this.icons = const ImageEditorIcons(),
  this.stateHistoryConfigs = const StateHistoryConfigs(),
  this.imageGenerationConfigs = const ImageGeneratioConfigs(),
  this.mainEditorConfigs = const MainEditorConfigs(),
  this.paintEditorConfigs = const PaintEditorConfigs(),
  this.textEditorConfigs = const TextEditorConfigs(),
  this.cropRotateEditorConfigs = const CropRotateEditorConfigs(),
  this.filterEditorConfigs = const FilterEditorConfigs(),
  this.blurEditorConfigs = const BlurEditorConfigs(),
  this.emojiEditorConfigs = const EmojiEditorConfigs(),
  this.designMode = ImageEditorDesignModeE.material,