models/custom_widgets library


The ImageEditorCustomWidgets class encapsulates custom widget components that can be used within various parts of the application's user interface. It provides flexibility for customizing the appearance and behavior of specific UI elements such as app bars, bottom navigation bars, and more.
Represents custom text styles for the text editor in the WhatsApp design.


CloseBtn = Widget Function(dynamic tap())
CropEditorAspectRatioOptions = Widget Function(double aspectRatio, double originalAspectRatio)
A function type that defines a widget for selecting aspect ratio options in a crop editor.
CustomColorPicker = Widget Function(Color currentColor, void setColor(Color color))
A function type that defines a custom color picker widget.
CustomSlider = Widget Function(double value, dynamic onChanged(double value), dynamic onChangeEnd(double value))
A function type that defines a custom slider widget.
RemoveButton = Widget Function(GlobalKey<State<StatefulWidget>> key, Stream stream)
A function type that defines a widget for removing layers.