Surface enum


A more advanced definition to Chrome and other Chrome dependent Preset Values. All Chrome components including Chrome.foreground and Chrome.background are both affected by this Preset. To depend on this Preset, use any of it's constructor functions.

Implemented types


undefined → const Surface

Allows Chrome to blindly infer it's data

const Surface._of('undefined')
background → const Surface

Resets Chrome.background to default

const Surface._of('surface')
hint → const Surface

Redirects Chrome.background to Chrome.hint

const Surface._of('hint')
primary → const Surface

Redirects Chrome.background to Chrome.primary

const Surface._of('primary')
primal → const Surface

Redirects Chrome.background to Chrome.primal

const Surface._of('primal')
subtle → const Surface

Redirects Chrome.background to Chrome.subtle

const Surface._of('subtle')
secondary → const Surface

Redirects Chrome.background to Chrome.secondary

const Surface._of('secondary')
ascent → const Surface

Redirects Chrome.background to Chrome.ascent

const Surface._of('ascent')
descent → const Surface

Redirects Chrome.background to Chrome.descent

const Surface._of('descent')
foreground → const Surface

Redirects Chrome.foreground to Chrome.background

const Surface._on('surface')
onHint → const Surface

Redirects Chrome.foreground to Chrome.hint

const Surface._on('surface')
onPrimary → const Surface

Redirects Chrome.foreground to Chrome.primary

const Surface._on('primary')
onPrimal → const Surface

Redirects Chrome.foreground to Chrome.primal

const Surface._on('primal')
onSubtle → const Surface

Redirects Chrome.foreground to Chrome.subtle

const Surface._on('subtle')
onSecondary → const Surface

Redirects Chrome.foreground to Chrome.secondary

const Surface._on('secondary')
onAscent → const Surface

Redirects Chrome.foreground to Chrome.ascent

const Surface._on('ascent')
onDescent → const Surface

Redirects Chrome.foreground to Chrome.descent

const Surface._on('descent')
success → const Surface

Redirects Chrome.foreground to Chrome.success

const Surface._of('success')
warning → const Surface

Redirects Chrome.foreground to Chrome.warning

const Surface._of('warning')
error → const Surface

Redirects Chrome.foreground to Chrome.error

const Surface._of('error')


alt bool
Whether surface value is alternated or direct.
code String
The arbitrary code that connotes the surface value
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
index int
A numeric identifier for the enumerated value.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
type Type
The extension's type.
no setteroverride


chromeOf(BuildContext context) Chrome
colorOf(BuildContext context) Color
colorOn(BuildContext context) Color
copyWith() Surface
Creates a copy of this theme extension with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
darkColorOf(BuildContext context) Color
lerp(covariant ThemeExtension<Surface>? other, double t) Surface
Linearly interpolate with another ThemeExtension object.
lightColorOf(BuildContext context) Color
merge(Surface? other) Surface
merge other into this preset. Works as copyWith with all it's entry arguments assigned to other's corresponding fields.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
Convert this preset value to its encodable hashmap of String to it's encodable data. Override this method to declare how this field can be converted to it's encodable version.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
typefaceOf(BuildContext context) Typeface


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


values → const List<Surface>
A constant List of the values in this enum, in order of their declaration.