SqliteConnection class abstract

Abstract class representing a connection to the SQLite database.





closed bool
Returns true if the connection is closed
no setteroverride
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
updates Stream<UpdateNotification>?
Reports table change update notifications
no setter


close() Future<void>
computeWithDatabase<T>(Future<T> compute(CommonDatabase db)) Future<T>
Run a function within a database isolate, with direct synchronous access to the underlying database.
execute(String sql, [List<Object?> parameters = const []]) Future<ResultSet>
Execute a write query (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) and return the results (if any).
executeBatch(String sql, List<List<Object?>> parameterSets) Future<void>
Execute a write query (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) multiple times with each parameter set. This is faster than executing separately with each parameter set.
get(String sql, [List<Object?> parameters = const []]) Future<Row>
Execute a read-only (SELECT) query and return a single result.
getAll(String sql, [List<Object?> parameters = const []]) Future<ResultSet>
Execute a read-only (SELECT) query and return the results.
getAutoCommit() Future<bool>
Returns true if auto-commit is enabled. This means the database is not currently in a transaction. This may be true even if a transaction lock is still held, when the transaction has been committed or rolled back.
getOptional(String sql, [List<Object?> parameters = const []]) Future<Row?>
Execute a read-only (SELECT) query and return a single optional result.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
readLock<T>(Future<T> callback(SqliteReadContext tx), {Duration? lockTimeout, String? debugContext}) Future<T>
Takes a read lock, without starting a transaction.
readTransaction<T>(Future<T> callback(SqliteReadContext tx), {Duration? lockTimeout}) Future<T>
Open a read-only transaction.
refreshSchema() Future<void>
Ensures that all connections are aware of the latest schema changes applied (if any). Queries and watch calls can potentially use outdated schema information after a schema update.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
watch(String sql, {List<Object?> parameters = const [], Duration throttle = const Duration(milliseconds: 30)}) Stream<ResultSet>
Execute a read query every time the source tables are modified.
writeLock<T>(Future<T> callback(SqliteWriteContext tx), {Duration? lockTimeout, String? debugContext}) Future<T>
Takes a global lock, without starting a transaction.
writeTransaction<T>(Future<T> callback(SqliteWriteContext tx), {Duration? lockTimeout}) Future<T>
Open a read-write transaction.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.