delete static method

Future<void> delete(
  1. FileSystemEntity fileSystemEntity, {
  2. bool recursive = false,

Deletes the fileSystemEntity.

Does not error if the fileSystemEntity does not exist.

If the FileSystemEntity is a directory, and if recursive is false, the directory must be empty. Otherwise, if recursive is true, the directory and all sub-directories and files in the directories are deleted. Links are not followed when deleting recursively. Only the link is deleted, not its target.

If recursive is true, the FileSystemEntity is deleted even if the type of the FileSystemEntity doesn't match the content of the file system. This behavior allows delete to be used to unconditionally delete any file system object.

Returns a Future<FileSystemEntity> that completes with this FileSystemEntity when the deletion is done. If the fileSystemEntity cannot be deleted, the future completes with an exception.

since 1.3.0


static Future<void> delete(
  FileSystemEntity fileSystemEntity, {
  bool recursive = false,
}) async {
  try {
    await fileSystemEntity.delete(recursive: recursive);
  } on FileSystemException {
    if (await fileSystemEntity.exists()) rethrow;