LocalPottery constructor

const LocalPottery({
  1. Key? key,
  2. required PotOverrides pots,
  3. required WidgetBuilder builder,
  4. void disposer(
    1. LocalPotteryObjects

Creates a LocalPottery widget that associates existing pots with new values and makes them accessible from descendants in the tree via the pots.

This widget defines new factories for existing pots and binds the objects created by them to the pots so that those objects are made available to descendants.

An important fact is that the factories of the existing pots are not actually replaced, therefore calling the Pot.call method still returns the object held in the global pot. Use NearestPotOf.of instead to obtain the local object from the nearest LocalPottery ancestor. The example below illustrates the behaviour.

final fooPot = Pot(() => Foo(111));


class ParentWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return LocalPottery(
      pots: {
        fooPot: () => Foo(222),
      builder: (context) {
        print(fooPot()); // 111
        print(fooPot.of(context)); // 222

        return ChildWidget();

class ChildWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    print(fooPot()); // 111
    print(fooPot.of(context)); // 222

This is useful when you need in descendants some objects that are different from the ones held in global pots but of the same type.

In the following example, a LocalPottery provides its descendant (TodoListPage) with a notifier for a specific category. It allows the previous page to control which category the next page is associated with.

  TodoListPage.route(category: Category.housework),


class TodoListPage extends StatelessWidget {
  const TodoListPage._();

  static Route<void> route({required Category category}) {
    return MaterialPageRoute(
      builder: (context) => LocalPottery(
        pots: {
          todosNotifierPot: () => TodosNotifierPot(category: category),
        builder: (context) => const TodoListPage(),

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    // This is a notifier for a list of a specific category.
    final notifier = todosNotifierPot.of(context);

    return ValueListenableBuilder(
      valueListenable: notifier,
      builder: (context, state, child) {
        return Scaffold(
          appBar: AppBar(
            // The title is "Housework" if the current
            // notifier is for the category of housework.
            title: Text(state.category.label),

Note that there are several important differences between LocalPottery and Pottery:

  • LocalPottery creates an object immediately, whereas Pottery creates (replaces, more precisely) an object only if the relevant Pot already have one.
  • As already mentioned, objects created by LocalPottery are only accessible with NearestPotOf.of.
  • Objects created by LocalPottery are not automatically discarded when the LocalPottery is removed from the tree. Use disposer to do clean-up.

Also note that an error arises only at runtime if the map contains wrong pairs of pot and factory. Make sure to specify a correct factory creating an object of the correct type.

It is advised that LocalPottery be used only where it is absolutely necessary. Using it too much may make it harder to follow the code of your app.


const LocalPottery({
  required this.pots,
  required this.builder,