open method
Establishes a connection with a PostgreSQL database.
This method will return a Future that completes when the connection is established. Queries can be executed on this connection afterwards. If the connection fails to be established for any reason - including authentication - the returned Future will return with an error.
Connections may not be reopened after they are closed or opened more than once. If a connection has already been opened and this method is called, an exception will be thrown.
Future open() async {
if (_hasConnectedPreviously) {
throw PostgreSQLException(
'Attempting to reopen a closed connection. Create a instance instead.');
try {
_hasConnectedPreviously = true;
if (isUnixSocket) {
_socket = await Socket.connect(
InternetAddress(host, type: InternetAddressType.unix), port)
.timeout(Duration(seconds: timeoutInSeconds));
} else {
_socket = await Socket.connect(host, port)
.timeout(Duration(seconds: timeoutInSeconds));
_framer = MessageFramer(encoding, timeZone);
if (useSSL) {
_socket =
await _upgradeSocketToSSL(_socket!, timeout: timeoutInSeconds);
final connectionComplete = Completer();
_socket!.listen(_readData, onError: _close, onDone: _close);
await connectionComplete.future
.timeout(Duration(seconds: timeoutInSeconds));
} on TimeoutException catch (e, st) {
final err = PostgreSQLException(
'Failed to connect to database $host:$port/$databaseName failed to connect.');
await _close(err, st);
} catch (e, st) {
await _close(e, st);