initCamera method

void initCamera(
  1. bool autoEditMode,
  2. bool? pointDist, {
  3. LatLng? targetCameraPosition,
  4. bool? dragMarker,

------------------------/// FUNCTION SECTIONS /// ------------------------/// Function to initialize camera


///Function to initialize camera
void initCamera(bool autoEditMode, bool? pointDist,
    {LatLng? targetCameraPosition, bool? dragMarker}) async {
  if (targetCameraPosition != null) {
    _sourceLocation = targetCameraPosition;
  } else {
    ///Get current locations
    await initLocation();

  ///Set current location to camera
  _cameraPosition = CameraPosition(
    zoom: cameraZoom,
    bearing: cameraBearing,
    tilt: cameraTilt,
    target: sourceLocation!,

  ///Auto mode on
  if (autoEditMode) {
    _isEditMode = !_isEditMode;

  ///Enable or Disable point distance
  if (pointDist == false) {
    _pointDistance = false;

  if (dragMarker != null) {
    _enableDragMarker = dragMarker;
