MapProvider class
addGpsLocation ({TrackingMode ? mode = TrackingMode.PLANAR })
→ void
addListener (VoidCallback listener )
→ void
Register a closure to be called when the object changes.
calculateDistance (LatLng firstLocation , LatLng secondLocation )
→ Future <String >
Calculate distance between two location
changeCameraPosition (LatLng location )
→ void
Function to change camera position
changeEditMode ()
→ void
Function to change toggle edit mode
createDistanceMarker (LatLng startLocation , LatLng _location )
→ Future <void >
Function to create distance marker
createEndLoc (LatLng startLocation , LatLng _location )
→ Future <void >
Function to set end location marker
dispose ()
→ void
Discards any resources used by the object. After this is called, the
object is not in a usable state and should be discarded (calls to
addListener will throw after the object is disposed).
getCenterLatLong (List <LatLng > latLongList )
→ Future <LatLng >
Function to get center location between two coordinate
getPolyColor (Color ? color )
→ Future <Color ? >
Assign polygon color
getUint8List (GlobalKey <State <StatefulWidget > > widgetKey )
→ Future <Uint8List ? >
Converting Widget to PNG
initCamera (bool autoEditMode , bool ? pointDist , {LatLng? targetCameraPosition , bool ? dragMarker })
→ void
Function to initialize camera
initLocation ()
→ Future <void >
Function to get current locations if permission
available, otherwise set default location
noSuchMethod (Invocation invocation )
→ dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
notifyListeners ()
→ void
Call all the registered listeners.
onMapCreated (GoogleMapController controller )
→ void
Function to handle when maps created
onTapMap (LatLng _location , {TrackingMode ? mode = TrackingMode.PLANAR })
→ void
Function to handle onTap Map and get location
removeListener (VoidCallback listener )
→ void
Remove a previously registered closure from the list of closures that are
notified when the object changes.
removeMarker (LatLng? _loc )
→ Future <void >
removeMarkerByLatlong (LatLng _location )
→ void
Remove marker by latlong
saveTracking (BuildContext context )
→ void
Function to save tracking points to database
setMarkerLocation (String id , LatLng _location , Uint8List ? markerIcon , {String ? title })
→ void
Function to set marker locations
setPolygonColor (Color ? color )
→ void
Function to init polygon color
setTempToPolygon ()
→ void
Function to set temporary polygons to polygons
setTempToPolyline ()
→ void
setTrackingMode (TrackingMode ? mode )
→ void
Set current tracking mode
toString ()
→ String
A string representation of this object.
undoLocation ()
→ void
Function to undo select location in edit mode
updateNewMarkerLocation (String id , LatLng _newLoc )
→ void
Updating new marker and polygon location
when the marker is dragged