charts method

Future<SearchResult> charts({
  1. Country country = Country.none,
  2. String language = '',
  3. int limit = 20,
  4. bool explicit = false,
  5. String genre = '',
  6. Map<String, dynamic> queryParams = const {},

Fetches the list of top podcasts Optionally takes a limit and Country filter. Defaults to limit of 20 and no specified country.

The charts is returned as a 'feed'. In order to be compatible with SearchResult we need to parse this feed and fetch the underlying result for each item resulting in a HTTP call for each result. Given the infrequent update of the chart feed it is recommended that clients cache the results.


Future<SearchResult> charts({
  Country country = Country.none,
  String language = '',
  int limit = 20,
  bool explicit = false,
  String genre = '',
  Map<String, dynamic> queryParams = const {},
}) async {
  _country = country;
  _language = language;
  _limit = limit;
  _explicit = explicit;
  _genre = genre;

  if (searchProvider is PodcastIndexProvider) {
    return PodcastIndexSearch(
      userAgent: userAgent,
      timeout: timeout,
      podcastIndexProvider: searchProvider as PodcastIndexProvider,
      country: _country,
      language: _language,
      limit: _limit,
      explicit: _explicit,
      genre: _genre,
      queryParams: queryParams,
  return ITunesSearch(
    userAgent: userAgent,
    timeout: timeout,
    country: _country,
    limit: _limit,
    explicit: _explicit,
    genre: _genre,