loadFeed static method

Future<Podcast> loadFeed({
  1. required String url,
  2. dynamic timeout = const Duration(seconds: 20),
  3. String userAgent = '',

This method takes a Url pointing to an RSS feed containing the Podcast details and episodes. You can optionally specify a timeout value in milliseconds and a custom user-agent string that will be used in HTTP/HTTPS communications with the feed source.


static Future<Podcast> loadFeed({
  required String url,
  final timeout = const Duration(seconds: 20),
  String userAgent = '',
}) async {
  final client = Dio(
      connectTimeout: timeout,
      receiveTimeout: timeout,
      headers: {
        'User-Agent': userAgent.isEmpty ? podcastSearchAgent : userAgent,

  try {
    final response = await client.get(url);

    var rssFeed = RssFeed.parse(response.data);

    // Parse the episodes
    return _loadFeed(rssFeed, url);
  } on DioException catch (e) {
    switch (e.type) {
      case DioExceptionType.connectionTimeout:
      case DioExceptionType.sendTimeout:
      case DioExceptionType.receiveTimeout:
        throw PodcastTimeoutException(e.message ?? '');
      case DioExceptionType.connectionError:
      case DioExceptionType.badResponse:
        throw PodcastFailedException(e.message ?? '');
      case DioExceptionType.badCertificate:
        throw PodcastCertificateException(e.message ?? '');
      case DioExceptionType.cancel:
        throw PodcastCancelledException(e.message ?? '');
      case DioExceptionType.unknown:
        throw PodcastUnknownException(e.message ?? '');