send method

Future send(
  1. String path, {
  2. String method = "GET",
  3. Map<String, String> headers = const {},
  4. Map<String, dynamic> query = const {},
  5. Map<String, dynamic> body = const {},
  6. List<MultipartFile> files = const [],

Sends a single HTTP request built with the current client configuration and the provided options.

All response errors are normalized and wrapped in ClientException.


Future<dynamic> send(
  String path, {
  String method = "GET",
  Map<String, String> headers = const {},
  Map<String, dynamic> query = const {},
  Map<String, dynamic> body = const {},
  List<http.MultipartFile> files = const [],
}) async {
  http.BaseRequest request;

  final url = buildUrl(path, query);

  if (files.isEmpty) {
    request = _jsonRequest(method, url, headers: headers, body: body);
  } else {
    request = _multipartRequest(
      headers: headers,
      body: body,
      files: files,

  if (!headers.containsKey("Authorization") && authStore.isValid) {
    request.headers["Authorization"] = authStore.token;

  if (!headers.containsKey("Accept-Language")) {
    request.headers["Accept-Language"] = lang;

  // ensures that keepalive on web is disabled for now
  // it is ignored anyway when using the default http.Cient on web
  // and it causing issues with the alternative fetch_client package
  // (see
  if (isWeb) {
    request.persistentConnection = false;

  final requestClient = httpClientFactory();

  try {
    final response = await requestClient.send(request);
    final responseStr = await;

    dynamic responseData;
    try {
      responseData = responseStr.isNotEmpty ? jsonDecode(responseStr) : null;
    } catch (_) {
      // custom non-json response
      responseData = responseStr;

    if (response.statusCode >= 400) {
      throw ClientException(
        url: url,
        statusCode: response.statusCode,
        response: responseData is Map<String, dynamic> ? responseData : {},

    return responseData;
  } catch (e) {
    // PocketBase API exception
    if (e is ClientException) {

    // http client exception (eg. connection abort)
    if (e is http.ClientException) {
      throw ClientException(
        url: e.uri,
        originalError: e,
        // @todo will need to be redefined once cancellation support is added
        isAbort: true,

    // anything else
    throw ClientException(url: url, originalError: e);
  } finally {