build method

  1. @override
Widget build(
  1. BuildContext context

Describes the part of the user interface represented by this widget.

The framework calls this method when this widget is inserted into the tree in a given BuildContext and when the dependencies of this widget change (e.g., an InheritedWidget referenced by this widget changes). This method can potentially be called in every frame and should not have any side effects beyond building a widget.

The framework replaces the subtree below this widget with the widget returned by this method, either by updating the existing subtree or by removing the subtree and inflating a new subtree, depending on whether the widget returned by this method can update the root of the existing subtree, as determined by calling Widget.canUpdate.

Typically implementations return a newly created constellation of widgets that are configured with information from this widget's constructor and from the given BuildContext.

The given BuildContext contains information about the location in the tree at which this widget is being built. For example, the context provides the set of inherited widgets for this location in the tree. A given widget might be built with multiple different BuildContext arguments over time if the widget is moved around the tree or if the widget is inserted into the tree in multiple places at once.

The implementation of this method must only depend on:

If a widget's build method is to depend on anything else, use a StatefulWidget instead.

See also:

  • StatelessWidget, which contains the discussion on performance considerations.


Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  // TODO Demo完善
  return DemoLayout(
    children: [
        title: "默认",
        children: [
            title: "俺是一个默认的 cell",
      DemoSection(title: "基础使用", children: [
        CrCell(title: "俺是标题", subTitle: "详情"),
            title: "俺是标题",
            subTitle: "详情",
            preview: Text("这里是对标题内容的解释区域,主要目的是对标题和详情区文本或内容的补充说说说说明~🤔")),
          preview: Flex(
              direction: Axis.vertical,
              crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
              children: [
                Text("只设置preview,就是一个可定制 cell"),
                CrButton(text: "🤔", size: CrButtonSize.cell)
        title: "带图标",
        children: [
              title: "加个图标,更有表达力~",
              icon: Icons.access_alarms,
              subTitle: "详情"),
            title: "也可以试试放在右边👉🏻",
            rightIcon: Icons.access_alarm,
            subTitle: "详情",
            title: "👈🏻两边都有也超酷👉🏻",
            icon: Icons.accessibility_new,
            rightIcon: Icons.access_alarm,
            subTitle: "详情",
        title: "可点击",
        children: [
          CrCell(title: "默认可点击图标见右侧~", onTap: () {}),
              title: "如果觉得挫,可以覆盖掉它 : (",
              rightIcon: Icons.abc_sharp,
              onTap: () {}),
      DemoSection(title: "Cell Group", children: [
          title: "有分组标题就会展示这里哦",
          cells: [
            CrCell(title: "多个 Cell 可以组成一个分组呀"),
              title: "分组成员并不需要完全相同哦~",
              subTitle: "详情",
              rightIcon: Icons.accessible,
              preview: Text("这里是对标题内容的解释区域,主要目的是对标题和详情区文本或内容的补充说说说说明~🤔"),