Platform Specific

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Dart package that simplifies handling platform-specific operations and callbacks in your Dart/Flutter applications.

Features ๐Ÿš€

  • Execute platform-specific callback functions based on the detected platform type.
  • Define custom platform types to handle specific platforms.
  • Supports a wide range of platforms out of the box including web, Windows, Linux, Android, macOS, Fuchsia, and iOS.

Usage ๐Ÿงช

Use the Platforms.on method to execute the appropriate callback function based on the platform:

final myValue = Platforms.on<String>(
  { () {
      return '๐Ÿค–';
    }, () {
      return '๐ŸชŸ';
    PlatformTypes.oneOf([PlatformTypes.iOS, PlatformTypes.macOS]): () {
      return '๐ŸŽ';
  orElse: () {
    return 'unknown';

print(myValue); // Output: ๐ŸŽ (if running on iOS or macOS), ๐Ÿค– (if running on Android), ๐ŸชŸ (if running on Windows), or 'unknown' (if running on any other platform)

Custom Platform Types

You can create custom platform types by extending the PlatformType class and overriding the isPlatform method. This allows you to handle additional platforms not covered by the predefined types.

class MyCustomPlatform extends PlatformType {
  const MyCustomPlatform();

  bool isPlatform(PlatformType? override) {
    // Add your custom platform detection logic here
    // Should return true if override == this


Dart package that simplifies handling platform-specific operations and callbacks in your Dart/Flutter applications.