byName<T> method

T byName<T>({
  1. required T defaultValue,
  2. T? android,
  3. T? webAndroid,
  4. T? iOS,
  5. T? webIOS,
  6. T? macOs,
  7. T? webMacOs,
  8. T? windows,
  9. T? webWindows,
  10. T? linux,
  11. T? webLinux,

byName Method Documentation :

Returns a value based on the current platform name.

  • defaultValue : The default value to return if the current platform name does not match any provided case.
  • android : The value to return if the current platform name is Android.
  • webAndroid : The value to return if the current platform name is Web Android.
  • iOS : The value to return if the current platform name is iOS.
  • webIOS : The value to return if the current platform name is Web iOS.
  • macOs : The value to return if the current platform name is macOS.
  • webMacOs : The value to return if the current platform name is Web macOS.
  • windows : The value to return if the current platform name is Windows.
  • webWindows : The value to return if the current platform name is Web Windows.
  • linux : The value to return if the current platform name is Linux.
  • webLinux : The value to return if the current platform name is Web Linux.


var result = platform.byName<String>(
  defaultValue: 'Unknown Platform',
  android: 'Android Platform',
  webAndroid: 'Web on Android Platform',
  iOS: 'iOS Platform',
  webIOS: 'Web on iOS Platform',
  macOs: 'macOS Platform',
  webMacOs: 'Web on macOS Platform',
  windows: 'Windows Platform',
  webWindows: 'Web on Windows Platform',
  linux: 'Linux Platform',
  webLinux: 'Web on Linux Platform',


T byName<T>(
    {required T defaultValue,
    T? android,
    T? webAndroid,
    T? iOS,
    T? webIOS,
    T? macOs,
    T? webMacOs,
    T? windows,
    T? webWindows,
    T? linux,
    T? webLinux}) {
  return switch ( { => android ??= defaultValue,
    PlatformName.web_android => webAndroid ??= defaultValue,
    PlatformName.iOS => iOS ??= defaultValue,
    PlatformName.web_iOS => webIOS ??= defaultValue,
    PlatformName.macOs => macOs ??= defaultValue,
    PlatformName.web_macOs => webMacOs ??= defaultValue, => windows ??= defaultValue,
    PlatformName.web_windows => webWindows ??= defaultValue,
    PlatformName.linux => linux ??= defaultValue,
    PlatformName.web_linux => webLinux ??= defaultValue,