ConfigParams class

Contains a key-value map with configuration parameters. All values stored as strings and can be serialized as JSON or string forms. When retrieved the values can be automatically converted on read using GetAsXXX methods. The keys are case-sensitive, so it is recommended to use consistent C-style as: 'my_param'

Configuration parameters can be broken into sections and subsections using dot notation as: 'section1.subsection1.param1'. Using GetSection method all parameters from specified section can be extracted from a ConfigMap.

The ConfigParams supports serialization from/to plain strings as: 'key1=123;key2=ABC;key3=2016-09-16T00:00:00.00Z'

ConfigParams are used to pass configurations to IConfigurable objects. They also serve as a basis for more concrete configurations such as ConnectionParams or CredentialParams (in the Pip.Services components package).

See IConfigurable See StringValueMap


var config = ConfigParams.fromTuples([
    ['section1.key1', 'AAA',
    'section1.key2', 123,
    'section2.key1', true]

config.getAsString('section1.key1'); // Result: AAA
config.getAsInteger('section1.key1'); // Result: 0

section1 = config.getSection('section1');
section1.toString(); // Result: key1=AAA;key2=123


ConfigParams([dynamic values])
Creates a new ConfigParams and fills it with values.


entries Iterable<MapEntry<String, String?>>
The map entries of this.
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isEmpty bool
Whether there is no key/value pair in the map.
no setterinherited
isNotEmpty bool
Whether there is at least one key/value pair in the map.
no setterinherited
keys Iterable<String>
The keys of this.
no setterinherited
length int
The number of key/value pairs in the map.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
values Iterable<String?>
The values of this.
no setterinherited


addAll(Map<String, String?> other) → void
Adds all key/value pairs of other to this map.
addEntries(Iterable<MapEntry<String, String?>> newEntries) → void
Adds all key/value pairs of newEntries to this map.
addSection(String? section, ConfigParams? sectionParams) → void
Adds parameters into this ConfigParams under specified section. Keys for the new parameters are appended with section dot prefix.
append(dynamic map) → void
Appends new elements to this map.
cast<RK, RV>() Map<RK, RV>
Provides a view of this map as having RK keys and RV instances, if necessary.
clear() → void
Clears this map by removing all its elements.
clone() → dynamic
Creates a binary clone of this object.
containsKey(Object? key) bool
Whether this map contains the given key.
containsValue(Object? value) bool
Whether this map contains the given value.
forEach(void action(String key, String? value)) → void
Applies action to each key/value pair of the map.
fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) → void
Returned JSON Map object from values of this object
get(String key) String?
Gets a map element specified by its key.
getAsArray(String key) → AnyValueArray
Converts map element into an AnyValueArray or returns empty AnyValueArray if conversion is not possible.
getAsArrayWithDefault(String key, AnyValueArray defaultValue) → AnyValueArray
Converts map element into an AnyValueArray or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
getAsBoolean(String key) bool
Converts map element into a boolean or returns false if conversion is not possible.
getAsBooleanWithDefault(String key, bool defaultValue) bool
Converts map element into a boolean or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
getAsDateTime(String key) DateTime
Converts map element into a DateTime or returns the current date if conversion is not possible.
getAsDateTimeWithDefault(String key, DateTime defaultValue) DateTime
Converts map element into a DateTime or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
getAsDouble(String key) double
Converts map element into a double or returns 0 if conversion is not possible.
getAsDoubleWithDefault(String key, double defaultValue) double
Converts map element into a double or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
getAsDuration(String key) Duration
Converts map element into a Duration or returns the current date if conversion is not possible.
getAsDurationWithDefault(String key, Duration defaultValue) Duration
Converts map element into a Duration or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
getAsFloat(String key) double
Converts map element into a float or returns 0 if conversion is not possible.
getAsFloatWithDefault(String key, double defaultValue) double
Converts map element into a flot or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
getAsInteger(String key) int
Converts map element into an integer or returns 0 if conversion is not possible.
getAsIntegerWithDefault(String key, int defaultValue) int
Converts map element into an integer or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
getAsLong(String key) int
Converts map element into a long or returns 0 if conversion is not possible.
getAsLongWithDefault(String key, int defaultValue) int
Converts map element into a long or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
getAsMap(String key) → AnyValueMap
Converts map element into an AnyValueMap or returns empty AnyValueMap if conversion is not possible.
getAsMapWithDefault(String key, AnyValueMap defaultValue) → AnyValueMap
Converts map element into an AnyValueMap or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
getAsNullableArray(String key) → AnyValueArray?
Converts map element into an AnyValueArray or returns null if conversion is not possible.
getAsNullableBoolean(String key) bool?
Converts map element into a boolean or returns null if conversion is not possible.
getAsNullableDateTime(String key) DateTime?
Converts map element into a DateTime or returns null if conversion is not possible.
getAsNullableDouble(String key) double?
Converts map element into a double or returns null if conversion is not possible.
getAsNullableDuration(String key) Duration?
Converts map element into a Duration or returns null if conversion is not possible.
getAsNullableFloat(String key) double?
Converts map element into a float or returns null if conversion is not possible.
getAsNullableInteger(String key) int?
Converts map element into an integer or returns null if conversion is not possible.
getAsNullableLong(String key) int?
Converts map element into a long or returns null if conversion is not possible.
getAsNullableMap(String key) → AnyValueMap?
Converts map element into an AnyValueMap or returns null if conversion is not possible.
getAsNullableString(String key) String?
Converts map element into a string or returns null if conversion is not possible.
getAsNullableType<T>(TypeCode type, String key) → T?
Converts map element into a value defined by specied typecode. If conversion is not possible it returns null.
getAsObject([String? key]) → dynamic
Gets the value stored in map element without any conversions. When element key is not defined it returns the entire map value.
getAsString(dynamic key) String
Converts map element into a string or returns '' if conversion is not possible.
getAsStringWithDefault(String key, String defaultValue) String
Converts map element into a string or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
getAsType<T>(TypeCode type, String key) → T?
Converts map element into a value defined by specied typecode. If conversion is not possible it returns default value for the specified type.
getAsTypeWithDefault<T>(TypeCode type, String key, T defaultValue) → T
Converts map element into a value defined by specied typecode. If conversion is not possible it returns default value.
getAsValue(String key) → AnyValue
Converts map element into an AnyValue or returns an empty AnyValue if conversion is not possible.
getKeys() List<String>
Gets keys of all elements stored in this map.
getSection(String section) ConfigParams
Gets parameters from specific section stored in this ConfigMap. The section name is removed from parameter keys.
getSectionNames() List<String>
Gets a list with all 1st level section names.
getValue() Map<String, String?>
Gets an map with values.
innerValue() → dynamic
Returned inner values in Map object
map<K2, V2>(MapEntry<K2, V2> transform(String key, String? value)) Map<K2, V2>
Returns a new map where all entries of this map are transformed by the given convert function.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
override(ConfigParams configParams) ConfigParams
Overrides parameters with new values from specified ConfigParams and returns a new ConfigParams object.
put(String key, dynamic value) → void
Puts a new value into map element specified by its key.
putIfAbsent(String key, String? ifAbsent()) String?
Look up the value of key, or add a new entry if it isn't there.
remove(Object? key) String?
Removes key and its associated value, if present, from the map.
removeWhere(bool test(String key, String? value)) → void
Removes all entries of this map that satisfy the given test.
setAsObject(dynamic key, [dynamic value]) → void
Sets a new value to map element specified by its index. When the index is not defined, it resets the entire map value. This method has double purpose because method overrides are not supported in JavaScript.
setDefaults(ConfigParams defaultConfigParams) ConfigParams
Set default values from specified ConfigParams and returns a new ConfigParams object.
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
Initialize this object from JSON Map object
toString() String
Gets a string representation of the object. The result is a semicolon-separated list of key-value pairs as 'key1=value1;key2=value2;key=value3'
update(String key, String? update(String? value), {String? ifAbsent()?}) String?
Updates the value for the provided key.
updateAll(String? update(String key, String? value)) → void
Updates all values.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.
operator [](Object? key) String?
The value for the given key, or null if key is not in the map.
operator []=(String key, String? value) → void
Associates the key with the given value.

Static Methods

fromString(String line) ConfigParams
Creates a new ConfigParams object filled with key-value pairs serialized as a string.
fromTuples(List tuples) ConfigParams
Creates a new ConfigParams object filled with provided key-value pairs called tuples. Tuples parameters contain a sequence of key1, value1, key2, value2, ... pairs.
fromValue(dynamic value) ConfigParams
Creates a new ConfigParams object filled with key-value pairs from specified object.
mergeConfigs(List<ConfigParams> configs) ConfigParams
Merges two or more ConfigParams into one. The following ConfigParams override previously defined parameters.