pip_services3_data library


Abstract persistence component that stores data in flat files and caches them in memory.
IdentifiableFilePersistence<T extends IIdentifiable<K>, K>
Abstract persistence component that stores data in flat files and implements a number of CRUD operations over data items with unique ids. The data items must implement IIdentifiable interface.
IdentifiableMemoryPersistence<T extends IIdentifiable<K>, K>
Abstract persistence component that stores data in memory and implements a number of CRUD operations over data items with unique ids. The data items must implement IIdentifiable interface.
Interface for data processing components that can retrieve a page of data items by a filter.
Interface for data processing components that can retrieve a list of data items by filter.
IGetter<T extends IIdentifiable<K>, K>
Interface for data processing components that can get data items.
Interface for data processing components that load data items.
IPartialUpdater<T, K>
Interface for data processing components to update data items partially.
Interface for data processing components that can query a page of data items.
Interface for data processing components that can query a list of data items.
Interface for data processing components that save data items.
Interface for data processing components that can set (create or update) data items.
IWriter<T, K>
Interface for data processing components that can create, update and delete data items.
Persistence component that loads and saves data from/to flat file.
Abstract persistence component that stores data in memory.