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The pint° (/pĩntʊ/) programming language.


The pinto° programming language is still in very early development stage, and is not recommended for use in production software. Use at your own risk.

The pint° programming language is a language that compiles to Dart.

It has the following objectives:

  • Have seamless interoperability with stable Dart;
  • Consider Flutter as first-class;
  • Generate legible Dart code that can be used as is
  • Be terser and more expressive than Dart;
  • Provide a powerful macro system with great ergonomy.

Currently, the language is in very early-development, and only supports a single feature, which is data clases generation.

How to use pint°


You need the latest stable version of Dart installed on your machine.


Install the pinto executable with pub.

dart pub global activate pinto

The pinto_server executable will be also available for a LSP implementation. The current LSP implementation is only supported by the VSCode extenstion.

Compiling with the pinto executable

With the pinto executable you can compile a pint° file.

pinto your_file.pinto

The compiled Dart file will me printed in you stdout. This means that, if you want to redirect it to a file, you may use >, like the following example.

pinto your_file.pinto > your_file.dart

Language overview


You may import Dart SDK packages by prefixing @ in your imports, and regular packages by not prexing anything. Regular imports depends on the packages available in your package_config.json.

import @async // Imports `dart:async`
import flutter_bloc // Imports `package:flutter_bloc/flutter_bloc.dart`
import flutter/widgets // Imports `package:flutter/widgets.dart`

Currently, there's no support for relative imports, neither modifiers (as, show, hide, if).

Types definition

You can define types with the type keyword. Each constructor variant is separated by a +. Type parameters are also supported.

type Id = Id(int id)

type Option(T) = Some(T value) + None

type Either(L, R) = Left(L value) + Right(R value)

If you need to use the top type, in pint° it's identifier by . On the other side, the bottom type is identified by .

Pinto introduces some syntax sugar for type identifiers:

  • [T] for List(T);
  • {T} for Set(T);
  • {K: V} for Map(K, V);
  • T? for Option(T).

The following is a valid pint° program:

import @async

type Complex(T) = Complex(
  [⊤] listOfAny,
  [T] listOfT,
  {T} set,
  {T: T} map,
  T? maybeT,
  Future(T) futureOfT,
  int aSimpleInt,
  {{T?} : [Future(T)]} aMonster