addDocumentationComments function

void addDocumentationComments(
  1. Indent indent,
  2. List<String> comments,
  3. DocumentCommentSpecification commentSpec, {
  4. List<String> generatorComments = const <String>[],

Formats documentation comments and adds them to current Indent.

The comments list is meant for comments written in the input dart file. The generatorComments list is meant for comments added by the generators. Include white space for all tokens when called, no assumptions are made.


void addDocumentationComments(
  Indent indent,
  List<String> comments,
  DocumentCommentSpecification commentSpec, {
  List<String> generatorComments = const <String>[],
}) {
  final List<String> allComments = <String>[
    if (comments.isNotEmpty && generatorComments.isNotEmpty) '',
  String currentLineOpenToken = commentSpec.openCommentToken;
  if (allComments.length > 1) {
    if (commentSpec.closeCommentToken != '') {
      currentLineOpenToken = commentSpec.blockContinuationToken;
    for (String line in allComments) {
      if (line.isNotEmpty && line[0] != ' ') {
        line = ' $line';
    if (commentSpec.closeCommentToken != '') {
  } else if (allComments.length == 1) {