writeDataClass method

  1. @override
void writeDataClass(
  1. CppOptions generatorOptions,
  2. Root root,
  3. Indent indent,
  4. Class klass, {
  5. required String dartPackageName,

Writes a single data class to indent.


void writeDataClass(
  CppOptions generatorOptions,
  Root root,
  Indent indent,
  Class klass, {
  required String dartPackageName,
}) {
  // When generating for a Pigeon unit test, add a test fixture friend class to
  // allow unit testing private methods, since testing serialization via public
  // methods is essentially an end-to-end test.
  String? testFixtureClass;
  if (generatorOptions.namespace?.endsWith('_pigeontest') ?? false) {
    testFixtureClass =
        '${_pascalCaseFromSnakeCase(generatorOptions.namespace!.replaceAll('_pigeontest', ''))}Test';

  const List<String> generatedMessages = <String>[
    ' Generated class from Pigeon that represents data sent in messages.'

      indent, klass.documentationComments, _docCommentSpec,
      generatorComments: generatedMessages);

  final Iterable<NamedType> orderedFields =

  indent.write('class ${klass.name} ');
  indent.addScoped('{', '};', () {
    _writeAccessBlock(indent, _ClassAccess.public, () {
      final Iterable<NamedType> requiredFields =
          orderedFields.where((NamedType type) => !type.type.isNullable);
      // Minimal constructor, if needed.
      if (requiredFields.length != orderedFields.length) {
        _writeClassConstructor(root, indent, klass, requiredFields,
            'Constructs an object setting all non-nullable fields.');
      // All-field constructor.
      _writeClassConstructor(root, indent, klass, orderedFields,
          'Constructs an object setting all fields.');

      for (final NamedType field in orderedFields) {
            indent, field.documentationComments, _docCommentSpec);
        final HostDatatype baseDatatype = getFieldHostDatatype(
            field, root.classes, root.enums, _baseCppTypeForBuiltinDartType);
        // Declare a getter and setter.
        _writeFunctionDeclaration(indent, _makeGetterName(field),
            returnType: _getterReturnType(baseDatatype), isConst: true);
        final String setterName = _makeSetterName(field);
        _writeFunctionDeclaration(indent, setterName,
            returnType: _voidType,
            parameters: <String>[
              '${_unownedArgumentType(baseDatatype)} value_arg'
        if (field.type.isNullable) {
          // Add a second setter that takes the non-nullable version of the
          // argument for convenience, since setting literal values with the
          // pointer version is non-trivial.
          final HostDatatype nonNullType = _nonNullableType(baseDatatype);
          _writeFunctionDeclaration(indent, setterName,
              returnType: _voidType,
              parameters: <String>[
                '${_unownedArgumentType(nonNullType)} value_arg'

    _writeAccessBlock(indent, _ClassAccess.private, () {
      _writeFunctionDeclaration(indent, 'FromEncodableList',
          returnType: klass.name,
          parameters: <String>['const flutter::EncodableList& list'],
          isStatic: true);
      _writeFunctionDeclaration(indent, 'ToEncodableList',
          returnType: 'flutter::EncodableList', isConst: true);
      for (final Class friend in root.classes) {
        if (friend != klass &&
                (NamedType element) => element.type.baseName == klass.name)) {
          indent.writeln('friend class ${friend.name};');
      for (final Api api in root.apis) {
        // TODO(gaaclarke): Find a way to be more precise with our
        // friendships.
        indent.writeln('friend class ${api.name};');
        indent.writeln('friend class ${_getCodecSerializerName(api)};');
      if (testFixtureClass != null) {
        indent.writeln('friend class $testFixtureClass;');

      for (final NamedType field in orderedFields) {
        final HostDatatype hostDatatype = getFieldHostDatatype(
            field, root.classes, root.enums, _baseCppTypeForBuiltinDartType);
            '${_valueType(hostDatatype)} ${_makeInstanceVariableName(field)};');
  }, nestCount: 0);