PhloxAnimationsController class

You can control phlox animations with PhloxAnimationsController .


the PhloxAnimationsController constructor function


animationStatus AnimationStatus?
animationStatus get animation status
no setter
auto bool
getter/setter pair
color Animation<Color?>?
getter/setter pair
duration Duration
duration set new duration
no getter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
loop bool
loop is animations loop auto is animations auto start
getter/setter pair
moveX Animation<double>?
moveX is an animation and can move animations in the horizontal direction moveY is an animation and can move animations in the vertical direction color is an animation and can change the color of the widget between two colors scale is an animation and can scale your widget size rotate is an animation and can rotate your widget in a clockwise direction opacity is an animation and can control opacity of widget radius is an animation and can change the rounded corner of your widget progress value is from 0 to 1
getter/setter pair
moveY Animation<double>?
getter/setter pair
opacity Animation<double>?
getter/setter pair
progress Animation<double>?
getter/setter pair
progressListener ↔ _PhloxAnimationsProgress?
_PhloxAnimationsProgress is animations progress from 0 to 1 and return double amount
getter/setter pair
radius Animation<double>?
getter/setter pair
reverseDuration Duration
duration set new reverse duration
no getter
rotate Animation<double>?
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
scale Animation<double>?
getter/setter pair
statusListener AnimationStatusListener?
AnimationStatusListener is animation status listener and get a Function that returns animation status
getter/setter pair


animateTo({bool? loop, double? toX, double? toY, double? toOpacity, Color? toColor, double? toScale, double? toDegrees, Curve? moveXCurve, Curve? moveYCurve, Curve? scaleCurve, Curve? opacityCurve, Curve? rotateCurve, Curve? colorChangeCurve}) → void
animateTo for start new animation from last animations value loop for repeat animation toX and toY for move toOpacity for opacity toScale for scale toDegrees for rotate in a clockwise direction and these animations curves is moveXCurve, moveYCurve, scaleCurve, opacityCurve, rotateCurve and colorChangeCurve enjoy it
animationValueTo(double value, {Duration? duration, Curve curve = Curves.linear}) → void
animationValueTo for animate the animations to custom value
degreeToRadian(double degree) double
change radian to degree with degreeToRadian
dispose() → void
dispose for remove animations
forward({double? from}) → void
forward for start or continue animation
newAnimate({bool? loop, double? fromX, double? toX, double? fromY, double? toY, double? fromOpacity, double? toOpacity, double? fromRoundedRadius, double? toRoundedRadius, double? fromScale, double? toScale, double? fromDegrees, double? toDegrees, Color? fromColor, Color? toColor, Curve? moveXCurve, Curve? moveYCurve, Curve? scaleCurve, Curve? opacityCurve, Curve? rotateCurve, Curve? colorChangeCurve}) → void
newAnimate for start new animation from last animations value loop for repeat animation fromX, toX, fromY and toY for move toOpacity, fromOpacity for opacity toScale, fromScale for scale fromColor, toColor for color fromRoundedRadius, toRoundedRadius for radius toDegrees, fromDegrees for rotate in a clockwise direction and these animations curves is moveXCurve, moveYCurve, scaleCurve, opacityCurve, rotateCurve and colorChangeCurve enjoy it
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
reverse({double? from}) → void
reverse for start from end
stop({bool canceled = true}) → void
stop for stop animations
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.