addDaysToDate(Jalali date, int days)
→ Jalali
Returns a Jalali with the added number of days and no time set.
addMonthsToMonthDate(Jalali monthDate, int monthsToAdd)
→ Jalali
Returns a Jalali with the added number of months and truncates any day
and time information.
dateOnly(Jalali date)
→ Jalali
Returns a Jalali with just the date of the original, but no time set.
datesOnly(JalaliRange range)
→ JalaliRange
Returns a JalaliRange with the dates of the original without any times set.
firstDayOffset(int year, int month)
→ int
Computes the offset from the first day of the week that the first day of
falls on.
formatDecimal(int number)
→ String
formatFullDate(Jalali date)
→ String
formatHour(TimeOfDay timeOfDay, {bool alwaysUse24HourFormat = false})
→ String
formatMediumDate(Jalali date)
→ String
formatMinute(TimeOfDay timeOfDay)
→ String
formatMonthYear(Jalali date)
→ String
formatRangeEndDate(MaterialLocalizations localizations, Jalali? startDate, Jalali? endDate, Jalali? currentDate)
→ String
Returns an locale-appropriate string to describe the end of a date range.
formatRangeStartDate(MaterialLocalizations localizations, Jalali? startDate, Jalali? endDate)
→ String
Returns a locale-appropriate string to describe the start of a date range.
formatTimeOfDay(TimeOfDay timeOfDay, {bool alwaysUse24HourFormat = false})
→ String
formatYear(Jalali date)
→ String
getDaysInMonth(int year, int month)
→ int
isSameDay(Jalali? dateA, Jalali? dateB)
→ bool
Returns true if the two Jalali objects have the same day, month, and
isSameMonth(Jalali dateA, Jalali dateB)
→ bool
Returns true if the two Jalali objects have the same month, and
year, or are both null.
monthDelta(Jalali startDate, Jalali endDate)
→ int
Determines the number of months between two Jalali objects.
parseCompactDate(String inputString)
→ Jalali
showPersianDatePicker({required BuildContext context, required Jalali initialDate, required Jalali firstDate, required Jalali lastDate, PDatePickerEntryMode initialEntryMode = PDatePickerEntryMode.calendar, PSelectableDayPredicate? selectableDayPredicate, String? helpText, String? cancelText, String? confirmText, Locale? locale, bool useRootNavigator = true, RouteSettings? routeSettings, TextDirection? textDirection, TransitionBuilder? builder, PDatePickerMode initialDatePickerMode =, String? errorFormatText, String? errorInvalidText, String fieldHintText = '##/##/####', String fieldLabelText = 'ورود تاریخ'})
→ Future<Jalali?>
Shows a dialog containing a Material Design date picker.
showPersianDateRangePicker({required BuildContext context, JalaliRange? initialDateRange, required Jalali firstDate, required Jalali lastDate, Jalali? currentDate, PDatePickerEntryMode initialEntryMode = PDatePickerEntryMode.calendar, String? helpText, bool? showEntryModeIcon, String? cancelText, String? confirmText, String? saveText, String? errorFormatText, String? errorInvalidText, String? errorInvalidRangeText, String? fieldStartHintText, String? fieldEndHintText, String? fieldStartLabelText, String? fieldEndLabelText, Locale? locale, bool useRootNavigator = true, RouteSettings? routeSettings, TextDirection? textDirection, TransitionBuilder? builder})
→ Future<JalaliRange?>
Shows a full screen modal dialog containing a Material Design date range
showPersianTimePicker({required BuildContext context, required TimeOfDay initialTime, TransitionBuilder? builder, bool useRootNavigator = true, PTimePickerEntryMode initialEntryMode = PTimePickerEntryMode.dial, String cancelText = 'لغو', String confirmText = 'تایید', String helpText = 'انتخاب زمان', RouteSettings? routeSettings})
→ Future<TimeOfDay?>
Shows a dialog containing a material design time picker.
timeOfDayFormat({bool alwaysUse24HourFormat = false})
→ TimeOfDayFormat