uniqueID method
A unique identifier for this photo settings instance.
Creating a CapturePhotoSettings instance automatically assigns a unique value to this property.
Use this property to track a photo capture request. After you call the
capturePhotoWithSettings:delegate: method, the photo capture output calls
your delegate object to provide information about the progress and results
of the capture. Each delegate method includes a
whose uniqueID property matches the
uniqueID value of the CapturePhotoSettings object you used to request
It is illegal to reuse a CapturePhotoSettings instance for multiple
captures. Calling the CapturePhotoOutput.capturePhotoWithSettings method
throws an exception (PlatformException) if the settings object’s
uniqueID value matches that of any previously used settings object. Call
any of the photoSettingsWith...
methods to reset the settings object.
Future<int> uniqueID() async {
return await _channel.$uniqueID(this) as int;