pdftron_flutter library
A convenience wrapper to build Flutter apps that use the PDFTron mobile SDK for smooth, flexible, and stand-alone document viewing.
- Annot
- An annotation object.
- AnnotationFlags
- Flags for any annotation in the document.
- AnnotationManagerEditMode
- The annotation manager's edit mode.
- AnnotationManagerUndoMode
- The annotation manager's undo mode.
- AnnotationMenuItems
- Menu items that could show up when an annotation is selected.
- AnnotationProperties
- Annotation properties.
- AnnotFlag
- A flag object for an annotation.
- AnnotProperty
- An annotation property object.
- AnnotWithFlag
- An annotation object associated with its flags.
- AnnotWithRect
- An annotation associated with its rectangle.
- Behaviors
- User behaviors in the viewer.
- Buttons
- Buttons for the viewer.
- Config
- A class to contain the viewer configuration options.
- CustomToolbar
- A custom toolbar.
- CustomToolbarItem
- A custom toolbar item.
- DefaultEraserType
- The type of eraser used in the viewer.
- DefaultToolbars
- Pre-designed toolbars for easier customization.
- DocumentView
- A widget used to view documents and access features of the PDFTron SDK.
- DocumentViewController
- Used to initialize and control the DocumentView widget.
- EventParameters
- Parameters of events.
- ExportFormat
- The format for exporting PDF to images.
- Field
- A field object for the viewer.
- FieldFlags
- Property flags for a form field.
- FitModes
- Fit modes in the viewer.
- Functions
- Names of functions.
- LayoutModes
- Layout modes in the viewer.
- LongPressMenuItems
- Menu items that could show up upon long press on text or an empty area.
- Parameters
- Parameters of functions.
- PdftronFlutter
- A native plugin for viewing documents and accessing features of the PDFTron SDK.
- PTOrientation
- The screen orientation of the viewer.
- Rect
- A rect object for the viewer.
- ReflowOrientation
- The scrolling direction of the viewer while in reflow mode.
- ThumbnailFilterModes
- Filter modes in thumbnail browser.
- ToolbarAlignment
- The alignment of annotation toolbars.
- ToolbarIcons
- Default toolbar icons that can be used for creating custom toolbars.
- Tools
- Tools for the viewer.
- ViewModePickerItem
- Items in the view mode dialog.
- ZoomLimitMode
- Zoom limits.
- eventSinkId
- Used to identify listeners for the EventChannel.
AnnotationChangedListener listener) → CancelListener - Listens for when there has been a change to annotations in the document.
AnnotationMenuPressedChannelListener listener) → CancelListener - Listens for presses on annotation menu items that has been passed into Config.overrideAnnotationMenuBehavior.
AnnotationsSelectedListener listener) → CancelListener - Listens for when annotations are selected.
AnnotationToolbarItemPressedListener listener) → CancelListener - Listens for when a custom annotation toolbar item has been pressed.
AppBarButtonPressedListener listener) → CancelListener - Listens for when a custom app bar item has been pressed.
BehaviorActivatedListener listener) → CancelListener - Listens for the start of behaviors that has been passed into Config.overrideBehavior.
DocumentErrorListener listener) → CancelListener - Listens for errors that could occur while PdftronFlutter.openDocument or DocumentViewController.openDocument is loading the file.
DocumentLoadedListener listener) → CancelListener - Listens for when PdftronFlutter.openDocument or DocumentViewController.openDocument has finished loading the file.
ExportAnnotationCommandListener listener) → CancelListener - Listens for when local annotation changes have been committed to the document.
ExportBookmarkListener listener) → CancelListener - Listens for when user bookmark changes are committed to the document.
FormFieldValueChangedListener listener) → CancelListener - Listens for changes to the value of form fields.
- Listens for when the leading navigation button is pressed.
LongPressMenuPressedChannelListener listener) → CancelListener - Listens for presses on long press menu items that has been passed into Config.overrideLongPressMenuBehavior.
PageChangedListener listener) → CancelListener - Listens for when the current page is changed in the viewer.
PageMovedListener listener) → CancelListener - Listens for when a page has been moved in the document.
ScrollChangedListener listener) → CancelListener - Listens for when the document's scroll position is changed.
ZoomChangedListener listener) → CancelListener - Listens for when the current document's zoom ratio is changed.
- AnnotationChangedListener = void Function(dynamic action, dynamic annotations)
- A listener used as the argument for startAnnotationChangedListener.
- AnnotationMenuPressedChannelListener = void Function(dynamic annotationMenuItem, dynamic annotations)
- A listener used as the argument for startAnnotationMenuPressedListener.
- AnnotationsSelectedListener = void Function(dynamic annotationWithRects)
- A listener used as the argument for startAnnotationsSelectedListener.
- AnnotationToolbarItemPressedListener = void Function(dynamic id)
- A listener used as the argument for startAnnotationToolbarItemPressedListener.
- AppBarButtonPressedListener = void Function(dynamic id)
- A listener used as the argument for startAppBarButtonPressedListener.
- BehaviorActivatedListener = void Function(dynamic action, dynamic data)
- A listener used as the argument for startBehaviorActivatedListener.
- CancelListener = void Function()
- DocumentErrorListener = void Function()
- A listener used as the argument for startDocumentErrorListener.
- DocumentLoadedListener = void Function(dynamic filePath)
- A listener used as the argument for startDocumentLoadedListener.
- DocumentViewCreatedCallback = void Function(DocumentViewController controller)
- ExportAnnotationCommandListener = void Function(dynamic xfdfCommand)
- A listener used as the argument for startExportAnnotationCommandListener.
- ExportBookmarkListener = void Function(dynamic bookmarkJson)
- A listener used as the argument for startExportBookmarkListener.
- FormFieldValueChangedListener = void Function(dynamic fields)
- A listener used as the argument for startFormFieldValueChangedListener.
- A listener used as the argument for startLeadingNavButtonPressedListener.
- LongPressMenuPressedChannelListener = void Function(dynamic longPressMenuItem, dynamic longPressText)
- A listener used as the argument for startLongPressMenuPressedListener.
- PageChangedListener = void Function(dynamic previousPageNumber, dynamic pageNumber)
- A listener used as the argument for startPageChangedListener.
- PageMovedListener = void Function(dynamic previousPageNumber, dynamic pageNumber)
- A listener used as the argument for startPageMovedListener.
- ScrollChangedListener = void Function(dynamic horizontal, dynamic vertical)
- A listener used as the argument for startScrollChangedListener.
- ZoomChangedListener = void Function(dynamic zoom)
- A listener used as the argument for startZoomChangedListener.