DocumentViewController class

Used to initialize and control the DocumentView widget.


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


addBookmark(String title, int pageNumber) Future<void>
Creates a new bookmark with the given title and page number.
canRedo() Future<bool?>
Checks whether a redo operation can be perfromed from the current snapshot.
canUndo() Future<bool?>
Checks whether an undo operation can be performed from the current snapshot.
closeAllTabs() Future<void>
Closes all documents that are currently open in a multi-tab environment.
commitTool() Future<bool?>
Commits the current tool.
deleteAllAnnotations() Future<void>
Deletes all annotations in the current document, excluding links and widgets.
deleteAnnotations(List<Annot> annotationList) Future<void>
Deletes the specified annotations in the current document.
exitSearchMode() Future<void>
Exits the search mode.
exportAnnotations(List<Annot>? annotationList) Future<String?>
Exports the specified annotations in the current document as a XFDF annotation string.
exportAsImage(int? pageNumber, int? dpi, String? exportFormat) Future<String?>
Exports the specified page to an image format defined by exportFormat.
exportAsImageFromFilePath(int? pageNumber, int? dpi, String? exportFormat, String? filePath) Future<String?>
Exports the specified page to an image format defined by exportFormat.
flattenAnnotations(bool formsOnly) Future<void>
Flattens the forms and (optionally) annotations in the current document.
getAnnotationsOnPage(int pageNumber) Future<List<Annot>?>
Gets the list of annotations on the given page.
getCurrentPage() Future<int?>
Gets the current page of the document.
getDocumentPath() Future<String?>
Returns the path of the current document.
getPageCount() Future<int?>
Gets the total number of pages in the currently displayed document.
getPageCropBox(int pageNumber) Future<Rect>
Gets a Rect object of the crop box for the specified page.
getPageRotation(int pageNumber) Future<int>
Gets the rotation value of the specified page in the current document.
getSavedSignatureFolder() Future<String?>
Gets the absolute path to the folder containing all saved signatures as PDFs.
getSavedSignatureJpgFolder() Future<String?>
Gets the absolute path to the folder containing all saved signatures as JPGs.
getSavedSignatures() Future<List<String>?>
Gets a list of absolute file paths to all saved signatures as PDFs.
getScrollPos() Future<Map?>
Gets the horizontal and vertical scroll position in the current document viewer.
getVisiblePages() Future<List<int>?>
Gets the page numbers of currently visible pages in the viewer.
getZoom() Future<double?>
Returns the current zoom scale of the current document viewer.
gotoFirstPage() Future<bool?>
Goes to the first page of the document.
gotoLastPage() Future<bool?>
Goes to the last page of the document.
gotoNextPage() Future<bool?>
Goes to the next page of the document.
gotoPreviousPage() Future<bool?>
Goes to the previous page of the document.
groupAnnotations(Annot primaryAnnotation, List<Annot>? subAnnotations) Future<void>
Groups the specified annotations in the current document.
handleBackButton() Future<bool?>
Handles the back button in search mode.
importAnnotationCommand(String xfdfCommand) Future<void>
Imports remote annotation command to the local document.
importAnnotations(String xfdf) Future<void>
Imports the given XFDF annotation string to the current document.
importBookmarkJson(String bookmarkJson) Future<void>
Imports user bookmarks into the document.
mergeAnnotations(String xfdf) Future<void>
Merges the given XFDF annotation string to the current document.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
openAddPagesView(Map<String, double>? sourceRect) Future<void>
Displays the Add Pages view.
openAnnotationList() Future<void>
Displays the Annotation tab of the existing list container.
openBookmarkList() Future<void>
Displays the Bookmark tab of the existing list container.
openCrop() Future<void>
Displays the page crop options dialog.
openDocument(String document, {String? password, Config? config}) Future<void>
Opens a document in the viewer with configurations.
openGoToPageView() Future<void>
Opens a go-to page dialog.
openLayersList() Future<void>
Displays the Layers dialog on Android, or the Layers tab of the existing list container on iOS.
openManualCrop() Future<void>
Displays the manual page crop dialog.
openNavigationLists() Future<void>
Displays the existing list container.
openOutlineList() Future<void>
Displays the Outline tab of the existing list container.
openRotateDialog() Future<void>
Displays the Rotate dialog.
openSearch() Future<void>
Displays a search bar that allows the user to enter and search text within a document.
openTabSwitcher() Future<void>
Opens the tab switcher in a multi-tab environment.
openThumbnailsView() Future<void>
Displays the Thumbnails view.
openViewSettings(Map<String, double>? sourceRect) Future<void>
Displays the view settings.
redo() Future<void>
Redoes the last modification.
rotateClockwise() Future<void>
Rotates all pages in the current document in a clockwise direction by 90 degrees.
rotateCounterClockwise() Future<void>
Rotates all pages in the current document in a counter-clockwise direction by 90 degrees.
saveDocument() Future<String?>
Saves the current document and returns the absolute path to the file.
selectAnnotation(Annot annotation) Future<void>
Selects the specified annotation in the current document.
setBackgroundColor(int red, int green, int blue) Future<void>
Sets the background color of the viewer.
setCurrentPage(int pageNumber) Future<bool?>
Sets the current page of the document to the given page number.
setDefaultPageColor(int red, int green, int blue) Future<void>
Sets the default page color of the viewer.
setFitMode(String fitMode) Future<void>
setFlagForFields(List<String> fieldNames, int flag, bool flagValue) Future<void>
Sets the value of the given flag to flagValue on the given form fields.
setFlagsForAnnotations(List<AnnotWithFlag> annotationWithFlagsList) Future<void>
Sets flags for the specified annotations in the current document.
setHorizontalScrollPosition(int horizontalScrollPosition) Future<void>
Sets the horizontal scroll position in the current document viewer.
setLayoutMode(String layoutMode) Future<void>
setLeadingNavButtonIcon(String path) Future<void>
Sets the icon of the leading navigation button.
setPropertiesForAnnotation(Annot annotation, AnnotProperty property) Future<void>
Sets properties for the specified annotation in the current document.
setToolMode(String toolMode) Future<void>
Sets the current tool mode.
setValuesForFields(List<Field> fields) Future<void>
Sets the field value of the given form fields.
setVerticalScrollPosition(int verticalScrollPosition) Future<void>
Sets the vertical scroll position in the current document viewer.
setZoomLimits(String mode, double minimum, double maximum) Future<void>
Sets the minimum and maximum zoom bounds of the current viewer.
smartZoom(int x, int y, bool animated) Future<void>
Zooms to a paragraph that contains the specified coordinate.
startSearchMode(String searchString, bool matchCase, bool matchWholeWord) Future<void>
Starts the search mode.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
undo() Future<void>
Undoes the last modification.
ungroupAnnotations(List<Annot>? annotations) Future<void>
Ungroups the specified annotations in the current document.
zoomToRect(int pageNumber, Map<String, double> rect) Future<void>
Zooms the viewer to fit the given rectangular area in the specified page.
zoomWithCenter(double zoom, int x, int y) Future<void>
Zooms the viewer to the given scale using the given coordinate as the center.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.