pdfium_bindings library


concatUint8List(List<Uint8List> lists) Uint8List
combine/concatenate two Uint8List
intToNativeVoid(int number) Pointer<Void>
isUft8MalformedStringPointer(Pointer<Int8> pointer) bool
nativeInt8ToCodeUnits(Pointer<Int8> pointer) Uint8List
nativeInt8ToString(Pointer<Int8> pointer, {bool allowMalformed = true}) String
nativeInt8ToUint8List(Pointer<Int8> pointer) Uint8List
pointsToPixels(num points, num ppi) num
sanitizeFilename(String input, [dynamic replacement = '_']) String
Sanitize-filename removes the following: Control characters (0x00–0x1f and 0x80–0x9f) Reserved characters (/, ?, <, >, , :, *, |, and ") Unix reserved filenames (. and ..) Trailing periods and spaces (for Windows) Windows reserved filenames (CON, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, and LPT9)
stringToNativeChar(String str, {Allocator allocator = calloc}) Pointer<Utf8>
stringToNativeInt8(String str, {Allocator allocator = calloc}) Pointer<Int8>
stringToNativeVoid(String str, {Allocator allocator = calloc}) Pointer<Void>
stringToUint8ListTo(String str) Uint8List
uint8ListToPointerInt8(Uint8List units, {Allocator allocator = calloc}) Pointer<Int8>
uint8ListToString(Uint8List list, {bool allowMalformed = true}) String
writeAndFlush(IOSink sink, dynamic object) Future