createPDFFromMultipleImages method

Future<String?> createPDFFromMultipleImages({
  1. required List<String> inputPaths,
  2. required String outputPath,
  3. int? maxWidth,
  4. int? maxHeight,
  5. bool? needImageCompressor,

Creates a PDF from multiple image files.

Platform-specific implementations should override this method to create a PDF from images and return the result.


  • inputPaths: A list of file paths of the images to be converted into a PDF.
  • outputPath: The directory path where the created PDF should be saved.
  • maxWidth: The maximum width of each image in the PDF (default is 360).
  • maxHeight: The maximum height of each image in the PDF (default is 360).
  • needImageCompressor: Whether to compress images before converting them to PDF (default is true).


  • A Future<String?> representing the result of the operation. By default, this throws an UnimplementedError.


Future<String?> createPDFFromMultipleImages({
  required List<String> inputPaths,
  required String outputPath,
  int? maxWidth,
  int? maxHeight,
  bool? needImageCompressor,
}) {
  throw UnimplementedError(
      'createPDFFromMultipleImage() has not been implemented.');