downloadImage static method
Downloads the image
If the url
is a Google Cloud Storage url, then the function get the download
url. The function sends a GET requests to url
and return the binary response.
If there is an error in the requests, then the function retry the download
after retryDuration
. If the accumulated time of the retry attempts is
greater than maxRetryDuration
then the function returns an empty list
of bytes.
If the url is a network image and _proxy
is set, then the function
make the request to the proxy (ex.\\my-image-url.jpg)
static Future<Uint8List> downloadImage(
String url,
Duration retryDuration,
Duration maxRetryDuration,
) async {
int totalTime = 0;
Uint8List bytes = Uint8List(0);
Duration _retryDuration = Duration(microseconds: 1);
if (Utils.isGsUrl(url))
url = await _getStandardUrlFromGsUrl(url);
else if (_proxy != null) url = _proxy! + url;
while (
totalTime <= maxRetryDuration.inSeconds && bytes.lengthInBytes <= 0) {
await Future.delayed(_retryDuration).then((_) async {
try {
http.Response response = await http.get(Uri.parse(url));
bytes = response.bodyBytes;
if (bytes.lengthInBytes <= 0) {
_retryDuration = retryDuration;
totalTime += retryDuration.inSeconds;
} catch (error) {
_retryDuration = retryDuration;
totalTime += retryDuration.inSeconds;
return bytes;