enterText method

Future<void> enterText(
  1. Finder finder,
  2. String text, {
  3. SettlePolicy? settlePolicy,
  4. Duration? visibleTimeout,
  5. Duration? settleTimeout,

Waits until finder finds at least 1 visible widget and then enters text into it.


// enters text into the first widget having Key('email')
await $(#email).enterText(user@example.com);

If the finder finds more than 1 widget, you can choose which one to enter text into:

// enters text into the third TextField widget
await $(TextField).at(2).enterText('Code ought to be lean');

This method automatically calls WidgetTester.pumpAndSettle after entering text. If you want to disable this behavior, set settlePolicy to SettlePolicy.noSettle.

See also:


Future<void> enterText(
  Finder finder,
  String text, {
  SettlePolicy? settlePolicy,
  Duration? visibleTimeout,
  Duration? settleTimeout,
}) {
  if (!kIsWeb) {
    // Fix for enterText() not working in release mode on real iOS devices.
    // See https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/89703
    // Also a fix for enterText() not being able to interact with the same
    // textfield 2 times in the same test.
    // See https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/134604

  return TestAsyncUtils.guard(() async {
    final resolvedFinder = await waitUntilVisible(
      timeout: visibleTimeout,
    await tester.enterText(resolvedFinder.first, text);
    await _performPump(
      settlePolicy: settlePolicy,
      settleTimeout: settleTimeout,