EvmService class




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

createTransaction(String from, String data, BigInt value, String to, {GasFeeLevel gasFeeLevel = GasFeeLevel.high}) Future<String>
Create transaction
customMethod(String contractAddress, String customMethod, List<Object> parameters, String? abiJsonString) Future<String>
Request contact method.
erc1155SafeTransferFrom(String contractAddress, String sender, String to, String tokenId, String amount, String data) Future<String>
Request data when send erc1155 nft.
erc20Approve(String contractAddress, String spender, BigInt amount) Future<String>
Request data when send erc20 approve. contractAddress is token contract address.
erc20Transfer(String contractAddress, String sender, BigInt amount) Future<String>
Request data when send erc20 token.
erc20TransferFrom(String contractAddress, String from, String to, BigInt amount) Future<String>
Request data when execute erc20 transferFrom. contractAddress is token contract address.
erc721SafeTransferFrom(String contractAddress, String sender, String to, String tokenId) Future<String>
Request data when send erc721 nft.
ethEstimateGas(String from, String? to, String value, String data) Future<String>
call eth_estimateGas, get gasLimit
getNFTs(String address, List<String> tokenAddresses) Future
Get nfts
getPrice(List<String> tokenAddresses, List<String> currencies) Future
Get token price,
getSmartAccount(List<SmartAccountConfig> smartAccountConfigList) Future<List>
Get smart account
getTokenByTokenAddresses(String address, List<String> tokenAddresses) Future
Get token by token addresses
getTokens(String address, List<String> tokenAddresses) Future
Get tokens
getTokensAndNFTs(String address, List<String> tokenAddresses) Future
Get tokens and nfts
getTransactionsByAddress(String address) Future
Get transacions
readContract(String address, String contractAddress, String methodName, List<Object> parameters, String abiJsonString) Future
Read contract
rpc(String method, List params) Future
Request rpc
suggestedGasFees() Future
Get suggesst fee return value unit is GWEI
writeContract(String address, String contractAddress, String methodName, List<Object> parameters, String abiJsonString, {GasFeeLevel gasFeeLevel = GasFeeLevel.high}) Future<String>
Write contract, get transaction