ParseObject class

ParseObject is a local representation of data that can be saved and retrieved from the Parse cloud.

The basic workflow for creating new data is to construct a new ParseObject, use set(key, value) to fill it with data, and then use save to persist to the cloud.

The basic workflow for accessing existing data is to use a QueryBuilder to specify which existing data to retrieve.

Implemented types


ParseObject(String className, {bool? debug, ParseClient? client, bool? autoSendSessionId})
Creates a new Parse Object
ParseObject.clone(String className)


createdAt DateTime?
Returns DateTime createdAt
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
objectId String?
Returns String objectId
getter/setter pairinherited
parseClassName String
refers to the Table Name in your Parse Server
getter/setter pairinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
updatedAt DateTime?
Returns DateTime updatedAt
no setterinherited


addRelation(String key, List<ParseObject> objets) → void
Add multiple objets to a relation associated with a given key
clearUnsavedChanges() → void
clone(Map<String, dynamic> map) → dynamic
containsKey(String key) bool
containsValue(Object value) bool
copy() → dynamic
Creates a copy of this class
create({bool allowCustomObjectId = false, dynamic context}) Future<ParseResponse>
Creates a new object and saves it online
delete<T extends ParseObject>({String? id, String? path}) Future<ParseResponse>
Deletes the current object locally and online
deleteEventually() Future<ParseResponse>
distinct<T extends ParseObject>(String query) Future<ParseResponse>
fetch({List<String>? include}) Future<ParseObject>
Fetches this object with the data from the server.
fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> objectData) → dynamic
fromJsonForManualObject(Map<String, dynamic> objectData) → dynamic
fromPin(String objectId) Future
Get item from value storage
get<T>(String key, {T? defaultValue}) → T?
Get a value of type T associated with a given key
getACL() ParseACL
Access the ParseACL governing this object.
getAll() Future<ParseResponse>
Gets all objects from this table - Limited response at the moment
getObject(String objectId, {List<String>? include}) Future<ParseResponse>
Gets an object from the server using it's objectId
getRelation<T extends ParseObject>(String key) ParseRelation<T>
Get the instance of ParseRelation class associated with the given key
isDirty({String? key}) bool
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
pin() Future<bool>
Saves item to value storage
query<T extends ParseObject>(String query, {ProgressCallback? progressCallback}) Future<ParseResponse>
Can be used to create custom queries
removeRelation(String key, List<ParseObject> objets) → void
Remove multiple objets from a relation associated with a given key
save({dynamic context}) Future<ParseResponse>
Saves the current object online.
saveEventually() Future<ParseResponse>
saveInStorage(String key) Future<void>
Saves in storage
set<T>(String key, T value, {bool forceUpdate = true}) → void
Add a key-value pair to this object.
setACL<ParseACL>(ParseACL acl) → void
Set the ParseACL governing this object.
setAdd<T>(String key, T element) → void
Add an element to the end of the array associated with a given key
setAddAll(String key, List elements) → void
Add multiple elements to the end of the array associated with a given key
setAddAllUnique(String key, List elements) → void
Add multiple elements to the array associated with a given key, only adding elements which are not already present in the array. The position of the insert is not guaranteed
setAddUnique(String key, dynamic element) → void
Add an element to the array associated with a given key, only if it is not already present in the array. The position of the insert is not guaranteed
setDecrement(String key, num amount) → void
Decrement a num value associated with a given key by the given amount
setIncrement(String key, num amount) → void
Increment a num value associated with a given key by the given amount
setRemove(String key, dynamic element) → void
Remove every instance of an element from an array associated with a given key
setRemoveAll(String key, List elements) → void
Removes all instances of the elements contained in a List from the array associated with a given key
toJson({bool full = false, bool forApiRQ = false, bool allowCustomObjectId = false}) Map<String, dynamic>
Converts object to String in JSON format
toPointer() Map<String, dynamic>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
unpin({String? key}) Future<bool>
Remove item from value storage
unset(String key, {bool offlineOnly = false}) Future<ParseResponse>
Can be used set an objects variable to undefined rather than null
update({dynamic context}) Future<ParseResponse>
Send the updated object to the server.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.
operator [](String key) → dynamic
operator []=(String key, dynamic value) → void

Static Methods

submitDeleteEventually({ParseClient? client, bool? autoSendSessionId}) Future<ParseResponse?>
submitEventually({ParseClient? client, bool? autoSendSessionId}) Future<void>
submitSaveEventually({ParseClient? client, bool? autoSendSessionId}) Future<ParseResponse?>