ColorPalette class

Wraps a list of ColorModels with additional getters and methods; with constructors for generating new color palettes, as well as methods and operators for modifying and extracting colors from the palette.

Available Extensions


ColorPalette(List<ColorModel> colors)
Wraps a list of ColorModels with additional getters and methods; with constructors for generating new color palettes, as well as methods and operators for modifying and extracting colors from the palette.
ColorPalette.adjacent(ColorModel seed, {int numberOfColors = 5, num distance = 30, num hueVariability = 0, num saturationVariability = 0, num brightnessVariability = 0, bool perceivedBrightness = true, bool growable = true, bool unique = false})
Generates a ColorPalette by selecting colors with hues to both sides of seed's hue value.
ColorPalette.empty({bool unique = false})
Returns a ColorPalette with an empty list of colors.
ColorPalette.opposites(ColorPaletteBase<dynamic, ColorModel> colorPalette, {bool insertOpposites = true, bool growable = true, bool unique = false})
Generates a ColorPalette from colorPalette by appending or inserting the opposite colors of every color in colorPalette.
ColorPalette.polyad(ColorModel seed, {int numberOfColors = 5, num hueVariability = 0, num saturationVariability = 0, num brightnessVariability = 0, bool perceivedBrightness = true, bool clockwise = true, bool growable = true, bool unique = false})
Generates a ColorPalette by selecting colors with hues evenly spaced around the color wheel from seed.
ColorPalette.random(int numberOfColors, {ColorSpace colorSpace = ColorSpace.rgb, num minHue = 0, num maxHue = 360, num minSaturation = 0, num maxSaturation = 100, num minBrightness = 0, num maxBrightness = 100, bool perceivedBrightness = true, bool distributeHues = true, num? distributionVariability, bool clockwise = true, bool growable = true, bool unique = false})
Generates a ColorPalette with numberOfColors at random, constrained within the specified hue, saturation, and brightness ranges.
ColorPalette.splitComplimentary(ColorModel seed, {int numberOfColors = 3, num distance = 30, num hueVariability = 0, num saturationVariability = 0, num brightnessVariability = 0, bool perceivedBrightness = true, bool growable = true, bool unique = false})
Generates a ColorPalette by selecting colors to both sides of the color with the opposite hue of seed.


blue → ColorModel
Returns the color with the most bluest hue. (240°)
no setterinherited
blueViolet → ColorModel
Returns the color with the most blue-violet hue. (270°)
no setterinherited
brightest → ColorModel
Returns the color with the highest perceived brightness value.
no setterinherited
colors List<ColorModel>
The colors contained in the palette.
cyan → ColorModel
Returns the color with the most cyan hue. (210°)
no setterinherited
darkest → ColorModel
Returns the color with the lowest lightness value.
no setterinherited
deepest → ColorModel
Returns the color with the highest saturation value.
no setterinherited
dimmest → ColorModel
Returns the color with the lowest perceived brightness value.
no setterinherited
dullest → ColorModel
Returns the color with the lowest saturation value.
no setterinherited
first ↔ ColorModel
The first element.
getter/setter pairinherited-getteroverride-setter
green → ColorModel
Returns the color with the greenest hue. (180°)
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isEmpty bool
Whether this collection has no elements.
no setterinherited
isNotEmpty bool
Whether this collection has at least one element.
no setterinherited
iterator Iterator<ColorModel>
A new Iterator that allows iterating the elements of this Iterable.
no setterinherited
last ↔ ColorModel
The last element.
getter/setter pairinherited-getteroverride-setter
leastIntense → ColorModel
Returns the color with the lowest intensity value.
no setterinherited
length int
The number of colors in the palette.
getter/setter pairinherited
lightest → ColorModel
Returns the color with the highest lightness value.
no setterinherited
magenta → ColorModel
Returns the color with the most magenta hue. (330°)
no setterinherited
mostIntense → ColorModel
Returns the color with the highest intensity value.
no setterinherited
muted → ColorModel
Returns the color with the lowest combined saturation and brightness values.
no setterinherited
orange → ColorModel
Returns the color with the orangest hue. (60°)
no setterinherited
red → ColorModel
Returns the color with the reddest hue. (0°)
no setterinherited
redOrange → ColorModel
Returns the color with the most red-orange hue. (30°)
no setterinherited
reversed Iterable<ColorModel>
An Iterable of the objects in this list in reverse order.
no setterinherited
richest → ColorModel
Returns the color with the highest combined saturation and brightness values.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
single → ColorModel
Checks that this iterable has only one element, and returns that element.
no setterinherited
violet → ColorModel
Returns the color with the most violet hue. (300°)
no setterinherited
yellow → ColorModel
Returns the color with the yellowest hue. (120°)
no setterinherited
yellowGreen → ColorModel
Returns the color with the most yellow-green hue. (150°)
no setterinherited
yellowOrange → ColorModel
Returns the color with the most yellow-orange hue. (90°)
no setterinherited


add(ColorModel color) → void
Adds value to the end of this list, extending the length by one.
addAll(Iterable<ColorModel> colors) → void
Appends all objects of iterable to the end of this list.
any(bool test(ColorModel)) bool
Checks whether any element of this iterable satisfies test.
asMap() Map<int, ColorModel>
An unmodifiable Map view of this list.
cast<R>() List<R>
Returns a view of this list as a list of R instances.
clear() → void
Removes all objects from this list; the length of the list becomes zero.
closest(ColorModel color) → ColorModel
Returns the color with the values closest to color.
contains(Object? color) bool
Whether the collection contains an element equal to element.
cooler(num amount, {bool relative = true}) → void
Adjusts the hue of every color in the palette to be cooler by amount, capping the value at 270 degrees.
elementAt(int index) → ColorModel
Returns the indexth element.
every(bool test(ColorModel)) bool
Checks whether every element of this iterable satisfies test.
expand<T>(Iterable<T> f(ColorModel)) Iterable<T>
Expands each element of this Iterable into zero or more elements.
fillRange(int start, int end, [ColorModel? fillColor]) → void
Overwrites a range of elements with fillValue.
firstWhere(bool test(ColorModel), {ColorModel orElse()?}) → ColorModel
The first element that satisfies the given predicate test.
fold<T>(T initialValue, T combine(T, ColorModel)) → T
Reduces a collection to a single value by iteratively combining each element of the collection with an existing value
followedBy(Iterable<ColorModel> other) Iterable<ColorModel>
Creates the lazy concatenation of this iterable and other.
forEach(void f(ColorModel)) → void
Invokes action on each element of this iterable in iteration order.
furthest(ColorModel color) → ColorModel
Returns the color with the values furthest from color.
getRange(int start, int end) Iterable<ColorModel>
Creates an Iterable that iterates over a range of elements.
indexOf(ColorModel color, [int start = 0]) int
The first index of element in this list.
indexWhere(bool test(ColorModel), [int start = 0]) int
The first index in the list that satisfies the provided test.
insert(int index, ColorModel color) → void
Inserts element at position index in this list.
insertAll(int index, Iterable<ColorModel> colors) → void
Inserts all objects of iterable at position index in this list.
invert() → void
Inverts the values of every color in the palette in their respective color spaces.
join([String separator = '']) String
Converts each element to a String and concatenates the strings.
lastIndexOf(ColorModel color, [int? start]) int
The last index of element in this list.
lastIndexWhere(bool test(ColorModel), [int? start]) int
The last index in the list that satisfies the provided test.
lastWhere(bool test(ColorModel), {ColorModel orElse()?}) → ColorModel
The last element that satisfies the given predicate test.
map<T>(T f(ColorModel)) Iterable<T>
The current elements of this iterable modified by toElement.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
opposite() → void
Rotates the hue of every color in the palette by 180 degrees.
reduce(ColorModel combine(ColorModel, ColorModel)) → ColorModel
Reduces a collection to a single value by iteratively combining elements of the collection using the provided function.
remove(Object? color) bool
Removes the first occurrence of value from this list.
removeAt(int index) → ColorModel
Removes the object at position index from this list.
removeLast() → ColorModel
Removes and returns the last object in this list.
removeRange(int start, int end) → void
Removes a range of elements from the list.
removeWhere(bool test(ColorModel)) → void
Removes all objects from this list that satisfy test.
replaceRange(int start, int end, Iterable<ColorModel> replacement) → void
Replaces a range of elements with the elements of replacements.
retainWhere(bool test(ColorModel)) → void
Removes all objects from this list that fail to satisfy test.
reverse() → void
Reverses the order of the colors in the palette.
rotateHue(num amount) → void
Rotates the hue of every color in the palette by amount.
setAll(int index, Iterable<ColorModel> colors) → void
Overwrites elements with the objects of iterable.
setRange(int start, int end, Iterable<ColorModel> colors, [int skipCount = 0]) → void
Writes some elements of iterable into a range of this list.
shuffle([Random? random]) → void
Shuffles the elements of this list randomly.
singleWhere(bool test(ColorModel), {ColorModel orElse()?}) → ColorModel
The single element that satisfies test.
skip(int count) Iterable<ColorModel>
Creates an Iterable that provides all but the first count elements.
skipWhile(bool test(ColorModel)) Iterable<ColorModel>
Creates an Iterable that skips leading elements while test is satisfied.
sort([int compare(ColorModel, ColorModel)?]) → void
Sorts this list according to the order specified by the compare function.
sortBy(ColorSortingProperty property) → void
Sorts the palette by property.
sortByHue({num startingFrom = 0, bool clockwise = true}) → void
Sorts the palette by each colors hue.
sublist(int start, [int? end]) List<ColorModel>
Returns a new list containing the elements between start and end.
take(int count) Iterable<ColorModel>
Creates a lazy iterable of the count first elements of this iterable.
takeWhile(bool test(ColorModel)) Iterable<ColorModel>
Creates a lazy iterable of the leading elements satisfying test.
toColorSpace(ColorSpace colorSpace) → void
Converts all colors into the ColorModel represented by colorSpace.
toList({bool growable = true}) List<ColorModel>
Creates a List containing the elements of this Iterable.
toSet() Set<ColorModel>
Creates a Set containing the same elements as this iterable.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
warmer(num amount, {bool relative = true}) → void
Adjusts the hue of every color in the palette to be warmer by amount, capping the value at 90 degrees.
where(bool test(ColorModel)) Iterable<ColorModel>
Creates a new lazy Iterable with all elements that satisfy the predicate test.
whereType<T>() Iterable<T>
Creates a new lazy Iterable with all elements that have type T.


operator +(Iterable<ColorModel> other) ColorPalette
Returns the concatenation of this list and other.
operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.
operator [](int index) → ColorModel
The object at the given index in the list.
operator []=(int index, ColorModel color) → void
Sets the value at the given index in the list to value.