initDto function

Object initDto(
  1. Object dto,
  2. dynamic body


Object initDto(Object dto, dynamic body) {
  /// new instance of the reflected class
  final dtoMirror = reflect(dto);

  /// list of dto variables mirrors
  final fields = dtoMirror.type.declarations.values.whereType<VariableMirror>();

  /// loop for each field try to add a value to it
  for (final field in fields) {
    /// name of the variable we are trying to give it a value from the body
    final fieldName = _extractSymbolName(field.simpleName);

    /// try and catch since the covert process might throw exception `TypeError`
    try {
      /// by default the body contains strings
      var value = body[fieldName];

      /// convert a string to bool when is could bee and the variable type is also bool
      if (value.runtimeType != field.type.reflectedType &&
          field.type.reflectedType == bool &&
          isBoolean(value)) {
        value = _convertToBool(value);

        ///same fo double
      } else if (value.runtimeType != field.type.reflectedType &&
          field.type.reflectedType == double) {
        value = _convertToDouble(value);

        /// same for int
      } else if (value.runtimeType != field.type.reflectedType &&
          field.type.reflectedType == int) {
        value = _convertToInt(value);

      /// but the value of the value inside the right DTO instance
      dtoMirror.setField(field.simpleName, value);
    } on TypeError {
      /// so we have tried to but a value to variable but there types did not match
      /// like when you specify a dto variable as `bool` but the client side send you a `int`
      /// the palace will throw exception to tell the front side which type is wrong
      final rightType = field.type.reflectedType;

      /// will be caught by the main pipe inside the router class
      throw BadRequest(data: ['$fieldName must be $rightType']);
  return dtoMirror.reflectee;