DataFrame class

A representation of a frame (table) of data.


DataFrame({required Map<String, NumericColumn> numericColumns, required Map<String, CategoricColumn> categoricColumns, bool ignoreLengthMismatch = false})
DataFrame.fromCsv(String text, {String separator = ",", String quote = '"', Map<String, ColumnType>? types})
A data frame built from a csv string.
DataFrame.fromJsonAsListOfMaps(String jsonString, {Map<String, ColumnType>? types})
A data frame built from a json string representation of a list of maps.
DataFrame.fromJsonAsMapOfLists(String jsonString, {Map<String, ColumnType>? types})
A data frame built from a json string representation of a map of lists.
DataFrame.fromListOfMaps(List<Map<String, Object>> data, {Map<String, ColumnType>? types})
A data frame built from a list of maps.
DataFrame.fromMapOfLists(Map<String, List<Object>> data, {Map<String, ColumnType>? types})
A data frame built from a map of lists.


categoricColumns Map<String, CategoricColumn>
The columns in this data frame containing categorical data.
columnNames List<String>
A copy of the names of the columns in this data frame.
no setter
columnNumber int
The number of columns.
no setter
copy DataFrame
A copy of this data frame.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
numericColumns Map<String, NumericColumn>
The columns in this data frame containing numeric data.
rowNumber int
The umber of rows.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
summary Map<String, Map<String, num>>
A statistical summary of each column in this data frame.
no setter


groupedByCategory(String name) Map<String, DataFrame>
A map associating each category with a pure data frame.
groupedByNumeric(String name) Map<num, DataFrame>
A map associating each value with a pure data frame.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toCsv({String separator = ",", Iterable<String>? columns, Map<String, int> fixedPlaces = const {}}) String
A conversion of this data frame to a csv representation.
toHtml({Iterable<String>? columns, Map<String, int> fixedPlaces = const {}}) String
A conversion of this data frame to an html table.
toJsonAsListOfMaps({Map<String, int> fixedPlaces = const {}}) String
A conversion of this data frame to a json list of maps string.
toJsonAsMapOfLists({Map<String, int> fixedPlaces = const {}}) String
A conversion of this data frame to a json map of lists string.
toListOfMaps({Map<String, int> fixedPlaces = const {}}) List<Map<String, String>>
A conversion of this data frame to a list of maps.
toMapOfLists({Map<String, int> fixedPlaces = const {}}) Map<String, List<String>>
A conversion of this data frame to a map of lists.
toMarkdown({Map<String, MarkdownAlignment> alignment = const {}, Iterable<String>? columns, Map<String, int> fixed = const {}}) String
A conversion of this data frame to a markdown table.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
withCategoric({required String name, required CategoricColumn column, bool ignoreLengthMismatch = false}) DataFrame
A new data frame with a categoric column added.
withCategoricColumnEnumerated(String name) DataFrame
A new data frame with numeric columns added to identify each category.
withCategoricColumnFromFormula({required String name, required String formula, required String generator(num)}) DataFrame
A new data frame with a categoric column generated from a formula.
withCategoricColumnFromRowValues({required String name, required String generator(Map<String, num> numericValues, Map<String, String> categoricValues)}) DataFrame
A new data frame with a categoric column generated based on row values.
withCategoricColumnFromTemplate({required String name, required String template, String startQuote = '{', String endQuote = '}', String generator(String)?}) DataFrame
A new data frame with a categoric column generated from a template.
withColumnNamesChanged(Map<String, String> changes) DataFrame
A new data frame with the column names changed.
withColumns(Iterable<String> columnNames) DataFrame
A new data frame with only the selected columns.
withColumnsDropped(Iterable<String> columnNames) DataFrame
A new data frame without the selected columns.
withColumnsWhere(bool predicate(String)) DataFrame
A new data frame with only the columns whose names meet predicate.
withFullJoinOn(DataFrame that, {required String pivot, String? thatPivot}) DataFrame
A new data frame representing a full join on that.
withHead([int n = 10]) DataFrame
A new data frame with only the first n rows.
withInnerJoinOn(DataFrame that, {required String pivot, String? thatPivot}) DataFrame
A new data frame representing an inner join on that.
withLeftJoinOn(DataFrame that, {required String pivot, String? thatPivot}) DataFrame
A new data frame representing a left join on that.
withLeftOuterJoinOn(DataFrame that, {required String pivot, String? thatPivot}) DataFrame
A new data frame representing a left outer join on that.
withMissingValues([Iterable<String>? columns]) DataFrame
A new data frame comprising the rows with at least one missing value.
withMissingValuesDropped([Iterable<String>? columns]) DataFrame
A new data frame comprising the rows without any missing values.
withNumeric({required String name, required NumericColumn column, bool ignoreLengthMismatch = false}) DataFrame
A new data frame with a numeric column added.
withNumericColumnBinned(String name, {List<(num, num)> bins = const [], int decimalPlaces = 3}) DataFrame
A new data frame with a categoric column containing bins for values.
withNumericColumnFromFormula({required String name, required String formula}) DataFrame
A new data frame with a column calculated from a formula.
withNumericColumnFromRowValues({required String name, required num generator(Map<String, num> numericValues, Map<String, String> categoricValues)}) DataFrame
A new data frame with a numeric column calculated from row values.
withNumericColumnFromTemplate({required String name, required String template, required num generator(String), String startQuote = '{', String endQuote = '}'}) DataFrame
A new data frame with a numeric column generated from a template.
withOuterJoinOn(DataFrame that, {required String pivot, String? thatPivot}) DataFrame
A new data frame representing an outer join on that.
withRightJoinOn(DataFrame that, {required String pivot, String? thatPivot}) DataFrame
A new data frame representing a right join on that.
withRightOuterJoinOn(DataFrame that, {required String pivot, String? thatPivot}) DataFrame
A new data frame representing a right outer join on that.
withRowsAdded(DataFrame that) DataFrame
A new data frame with the rows of that added.
withRowsAtIndices(Iterable<int> indices) DataFrame
A new data frame comprising the rows at indices.
withRowsOrderedBy(List<String> columns, {bool decreasing = false}) DataFrame
A new data frame with the rows ordered by the values in columns.
withRowsSampled(int n, {bool withReplacement = false, int? seed}) DataFrame
A new data frame comprising sampled rows.
withRowsWhereFormula({required String formula, required bool predicate(num)}) DataFrame
A new data frame with rows selected based on a formula's results.
withRowsWhereTemplate({required String template, required bool predicate(String), String startQuote = '{', String endQuote = '}'}) DataFrame
A new data frame with the rows that meet a predicate based on a template.
withTail([int n = 10]) DataFrame
A new data frame with only the last n rows.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.
operator [](String key) → Column<Comparable, Comparable>