GoInterface class abstract
- Available extensions
- arguments → dynamic
Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension
give current argumentsno setter - context → BuildContext?
Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension
give access to currentContextno setter - currentRoute → String
Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension
give name from current routeno setter - defaultDialogTransitionCurve → Curve
Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension
no setter - defaultDialogTransitionDuration → Duration
Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension
no setter - hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- iconColor → Color?
Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension
give access to Theme.of(context).iconTheme.colorno setter - isBottomSheetOpen → bool?
Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension
check if bottomSheet is openno setter - isDialogOpen → bool?
Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension
check if dialog is openno setter - isOverlaysClosed → bool
Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension
Returns true if there is no SnackBar, Dialog or BottomSheet openno setter - isOverlaysOpen → bool
Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension
Returns true if a SnackBar, Dialog or BottomSheet is currently OPENno setter - isSnackBarOpen → bool
Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension
check if snackBar is openno setter -
→ GlobalKey<
NavigatorState> -
Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension
no setter - overlayContext → BuildContext?
Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension
give access to current Overlay Contextno setter - previousRoute → String
Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension
give name from previous routeno setter - previousRouting → Routing?
Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension
no setter - rawRoute → Route?
Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension
check a raw current routeno setter - routing → Routing
Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension
no setter -
→ Queue<
Routing> -
Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension
no setter - runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- theme → ThemeData
Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension
give access to Theme.of(context)no setter
T> ({T? result, bool closeOverlays = false, bool canPop = true, int? id}) → void -
Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension
Navigation.popUntil() shortcut.
T> (Widget bottomSheet, {Color? backgroundColor, double? elevation, bool persistent = true, ShapeBorder? shape, Clip? clipBehavior, Color? barrierColor, bool? ignoreSafeArea, bool isScrollControlled = false, bool isDismissible = true, bool enableDrag = true, RouteSettings? settings, Duration? enterBottomSheetDuration, Duration? exitBottomSheetDuration}) → Future< T?> -
Available on GoInterface, provided by the ExtensionBottomSheet extension
) → bool -
Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension
if there is more than 1 page on the stack. -
) → void -
Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension
) → Future< void> -
Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension
T> ({String title = "Alert", EdgeInsetsGeometry? titlePadding, TextStyle? titleStyle, Widget? content, EdgeInsetsGeometry? contentPadding, VoidCallback? onConfirm, VoidCallback? onCancel, VoidCallback? onCustom, Color? cancelTextColor, Color? confirmTextColor, String? textConfirm, String? textCancel, String? textCustom, Widget? confirm, Widget? cancel, Widget? custom, Color? backgroundColor, bool barrierDismissible = true, Color? buttonColor, String middleText = "Dialog made in 3 lines of code", TextStyle? middleTextStyle, double radius = 20.0, List< Widget> ? actions, PopInvokedCallback? onPopInvoked, }) → Future<T?> -
Available on GoInterface, provided by the ExtensionDialog extension
Custom UI Dialog. -
T> (Widget widget, {bool barrierDismissible = true, Color? barrierColor, bool useSafeArea = true, Object? arguments, Duration? transitionDuration, Curve? transitionCurve, String? name, RouteSettings? routeSettings}) → Future< T?> -
Available on GoInterface, provided by the ExtensionDialog extension
Show a dialog. You can pass atransitionDuration
, overriding the defaults when the dialog shows up and closes. When the dialog closes, uses those animations in reverse. -
T> ({required RoutePageBuilder pageBuilder, bool barrierDismissible = false, String? barrierLabel, Color barrierColor = const Color(0x80000000), Duration transitionDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 200), RouteTransitionsBuilder? transitionBuilder, RouteSettings? routeSettings}) → Future< T?> -
Available on GoInterface, provided by the ExtensionDialog extension
Api from showGeneralDialog with no context -
) → GoRouter -
Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension
String location, {Map< String, dynamic> pathParams = const <String, dynamic>{}, Map<String, dynamic> queryParams = const <String, dynamic>{}, Map<String, dynamic> params = const <String, dynamic>{}}) → void -
Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension
Navigate to a location. -
String name, {Map< String, String> pathParams = const <String, String>{}, Map<String, dynamic> queryParams = const <String, dynamic>{}, Map<String, dynamic> params = const <String, dynamic>{}}) → void -
Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension
Navigate to a named route. -
String name, {Map< String, String> pathParams = const <String, String>{}, Map<String, dynamic> queryParams = const <String, dynamic>{}}) → String -
Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension
Get a location from route name and parameters. -
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
T extends Object?> ([T? result]) → void -
Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension
Pop the top page off the Navigator's page stack by calling Navigator.pop. -
RoutePredicate predicate, {int? id}) → void -
Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension
Navigation.popUntil() shortcut.
T> (String location, {Map< String, dynamic> pathParams = const <String, dynamic>{}, Map<String, dynamic> queryParams = const <String, dynamic>{}, Map<String, dynamic> params = const <String, dynamic>{}}) → Future<T?> -
Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension
Push a location onto the page stack. -
T> (String name, {Map< String, String> pathParams = const <String, String>{}, Map<String, dynamic> queryParams = const <String, dynamic>{}, Map<String, dynamic> params = const <String, dynamic>{}}) → Future<T?> -
Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension
Navigate to a named route onto the page stack. -
T> (String location, {Object? extra}) → Future< T?> -
Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension
Replaces the top-most page of the page stack with the given URL location w/ optional query parameters, e.g./family/f2/person/p1?color=blue
. -
T> (String name, {Map< String, String> pathParams = const <String, String>{}, Map<String, dynamic> queryParams = const <String, dynamic>{}, Object? extra}) → Future<T?> -
Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension
Replaces the top-most page of the page stack with the named route w/ optional parameters, e.g.name='person', params={'fid': 'f2', 'pid': 'p1'}
. -
{String? title, String? message, Widget? titleText, Widget? messageText, Widget? icon, bool instantInit = true, bool shouldIconPulse = true, double? maxWidth, EdgeInsets margin = const EdgeInsets.all(0.0), EdgeInsets padding = const EdgeInsets.all(16), double borderRadius = 0.0, Color? borderColor, double borderWidth = 1.0, Color backgroundColor = const Color(0xFF303030), Color? leftBarIndicatorColor, List< BoxShadow> ? boxShadows, Gradient? backgroundGradient, Widget? mainButton, OnTap? onTap, Duration? duration = const Duration(seconds: 3), bool isDismissible = true, DismissDirection? dismissDirection, bool showProgressIndicator = false, AnimationController? progressIndicatorController, Color? progressIndicatorBackgroundColor, Animation<Color> ? progressIndicatorValueColor, SnackPosition snackPosition = SnackPosition.BOTTOM, SnackStyle snackStyle = SnackStyle.FLOATING, Curve forwardAnimationCurve = Curves.easeOutCirc, Curve reverseAnimationCurve = Curves.easeOutCirc, Duration animationDuration = const Duration(seconds: 1), SnackbarStatusCallback? snackBarStatus, double barBlur = 0.0, double overlayBlur = 0.0, Color? overlayColor, Form? userInputForm}) → SnackbarController -
Available on GoInterface, provided by the ExtensionSnackBar extension
T> ({required Future< T> asyncFunction(), Color opacityColor = Colors.black, Widget? loadingWidget, double opacity = .5}) → Future<T> -
Available on GoInterface, provided by the OverlayExt extension
GetSnackBar snackbar) → SnackbarController -
Available on GoInterface, provided by the ExtensionSnackBar extension
String title, String message, {Color? colorText, Duration? duration = const Duration(seconds: 3), bool instantInit = true, SnackPosition? snackPosition, Widget? titleText, Widget? messageText, Widget? icon, bool? shouldIconPulse, double? maxWidth, EdgeInsets? margin, EdgeInsets? padding, double? borderRadius, Color? borderColor, double? borderWidth, Color? backgroundColor, Color? leftBarIndicatorColor, List< BoxShadow> ? boxShadows, Gradient? backgroundGradient, TextButton? mainButton, OnTap? onTap, bool? isDismissible, bool? showProgressIndicator, DismissDirection? dismissDirection, AnimationController? progressIndicatorController, Color? progressIndicatorBackgroundColor, Animation<Color> ? progressIndicatorValueColor, SnackStyle? snackStyle, Curve? forwardAnimationCurve, Curve? reverseAnimationCurve, Duration? animationDuration, double? barBlur, double? overlayBlur, SnackbarStatusCallback? snackBarStatus, Color? overlayColor, Form? userInputForm}) → SnackbarController -
Available on GoInterface, provided by the ExtensionSnackBar extension
T> (String location, {Map< String, dynamic> pathParams = const <String, dynamic>{}, Map<String, dynamic> queryParams = const <String, dynamic>{}, Map<String, dynamic> params = const <String, dynamic>{}}) → Future<T?> -
Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension
T> (String name, {Map< String, String> pathParams = const <String, String>{}, Map<String, dynamic> queryParams = const <String, dynamic>{}, Map<String, dynamic> params = const <String, dynamic>{}}) → Future<T?> -
Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.