GoInterface class abstract

Available extensions




arguments → dynamic

Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension

give current arguments
no setter
context BuildContext?

Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension

give access to currentContext
no setter
currentRoute String

Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension

give name from current route
no setter
defaultDialogTransitionCurve Curve

Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension

no setter
defaultDialogTransitionDuration Duration

Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension

no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
iconColor Color?

Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension

give access to Theme.of(context).iconTheme.color
no setter
isBottomSheetOpen bool?

Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension

check if bottomSheet is open
no setter
isDialogOpen bool?

Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension

check if dialog is open
no setter
isOverlaysClosed bool

Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension

Returns true if there is no SnackBar, Dialog or BottomSheet open
no setter
isOverlaysOpen bool

Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension

Returns true if a SnackBar, Dialog or BottomSheet is currently OPEN
no setter
isSnackBarOpen bool

Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension

check if snackBar is open
no setter
key GlobalKey<NavigatorState>

Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension

no setter
overlayContext BuildContext?

Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension

give access to current Overlay Context
no setter
previousRoute String

Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension

give name from previous route
no setter
previousRouting Routing?

Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension

no setter
rawRoute Route?

Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension

check a raw current route
no setter
routing Routing

Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension

no setter
routingQueue Queue<Routing>

Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension

no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
theme ThemeData

Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension

give access to Theme.of(context)
no setter


back<T>({T? result, bool closeOverlays = false, bool canPop = true, int? id}) → void

Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension

Navigation.popUntil() shortcut.

bottomSheet<T>(Widget bottomSheet, {Color? backgroundColor, double? elevation, bool persistent = true, ShapeBorder? shape, Clip? clipBehavior, Color? barrierColor, bool? ignoreSafeArea, bool isScrollControlled = false, bool useRootNavigator = false, bool isDismissible = true, bool enableDrag = true, RouteSettings? settings, Duration? enterBottomSheetDuration, Duration? exitBottomSheetDuration}) Future<T?>

Available on GoInterface, provided by the ExtensionBottomSheet extension

canPop() bool

Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension

Returns true if there is more than 1 page on the stack.
closeAllSnackBars() → void

Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension

closeCurrentSnackBar() Future<void>

Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension

defaultDialog<T>({String title = "Alert", EdgeInsetsGeometry? titlePadding, TextStyle? titleStyle, Widget? content, EdgeInsetsGeometry? contentPadding, VoidCallback? onConfirm, VoidCallback? onCancel, VoidCallback? onCustom, Color? cancelTextColor, Color? confirmTextColor, String? textConfirm, String? textCancel, String? textCustom, Widget? confirm, Widget? cancel, Widget? custom, Color? backgroundColor, bool barrierDismissible = true, Color? buttonColor, String middleText = "Dialog made in 3 lines of code", TextStyle? middleTextStyle, double radius = 20.0, List<Widget>? actions, PopInvokedCallback? onPopInvoked, GlobalKey<NavigatorState>? navigatorKey}) Future<T?>

Available on GoInterface, provided by the ExtensionDialog extension

Custom UI Dialog.
dialog<T>(Widget widget, {bool barrierDismissible = true, Color? barrierColor, bool useSafeArea = true, GlobalKey<NavigatorState>? navigatorKey, Object? arguments, Duration? transitionDuration, Curve? transitionCurve, String? name, RouteSettings? routeSettings}) Future<T?>

Available on GoInterface, provided by the ExtensionDialog extension

Show a dialog. You can pass a transitionDuration and/or transitionCurve, overriding the defaults when the dialog shows up and closes. When the dialog closes, uses those animations in reverse.
generalDialog<T>({required RoutePageBuilder pageBuilder, bool barrierDismissible = false, String? barrierLabel, Color barrierColor = const Color(0x80000000), Duration transitionDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 200), RouteTransitionsBuilder? transitionBuilder, GlobalKey<NavigatorState>? navigatorKey, RouteSettings? routeSettings}) Future<T?>

Available on GoInterface, provided by the ExtensionDialog extension

Api from showGeneralDialog with no context
global() GoRouter

Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension

go(String location, {Map<String, dynamic> pathParams = const <String, dynamic>{}, Map<String, dynamic> queryParams = const <String, dynamic>{}, Map<String, dynamic> params = const <String, dynamic>{}}) → void

Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension

Navigate to a location.
goNamed(String name, {Map<String, String> pathParams = const <String, String>{}, Map<String, dynamic> queryParams = const <String, dynamic>{}, Map<String, dynamic> params = const <String, dynamic>{}}) → void

Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension

Navigate to a named route.
namedLocation(String name, {Map<String, String> pathParams = const <String, String>{}, Map<String, dynamic> queryParams = const <String, dynamic>{}}) String

Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension

Get a location from route name and parameters.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
pop<T extends Object?>([T? result]) → void

Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension

Pop the top page off the Navigator's page stack by calling Navigator.pop.
popUntil(RoutePredicate predicate, {int? id}) → void

Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension

Navigation.popUntil() shortcut.

push<T>(String location, {Map<String, dynamic> pathParams = const <String, dynamic>{}, Map<String, dynamic> queryParams = const <String, dynamic>{}, Map<String, dynamic> params = const <String, dynamic>{}}) Future<T?>

Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension

Push a location onto the page stack.
pushNamed<T>(String name, {Map<String, String> pathParams = const <String, String>{}, Map<String, dynamic> queryParams = const <String, dynamic>{}, Map<String, dynamic> params = const <String, dynamic>{}}) Future<T?>

Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension

Navigate to a named route onto the page stack.
pushReplacement<T>(String location, {Object? extra}) Future<T?>

Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension

Replaces the top-most page of the page stack with the given URL location w/ optional query parameters, e.g. /family/f2/person/p1?color=blue.
pushReplacementNamed<T>(String name, {Map<String, String> pathParams = const <String, String>{}, Map<String, dynamic> queryParams = const <String, dynamic>{}, Object? extra}) Future<T?>

Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension

Replaces the top-most page of the page stack with the named route w/ optional parameters, e.g. name='person', params={'fid': 'f2', 'pid': 'p1'}.
rawSnackBar({String? title, String? message, Widget? titleText, Widget? messageText, Widget? icon, bool instantInit = true, bool shouldIconPulse = true, double? maxWidth, EdgeInsets margin = const EdgeInsets.all(0.0), EdgeInsets padding = const EdgeInsets.all(16), double borderRadius = 0.0, Color? borderColor, double borderWidth = 1.0, Color backgroundColor = const Color(0xFF303030), Color? leftBarIndicatorColor, List<BoxShadow>? boxShadows, Gradient? backgroundGradient, Widget? mainButton, OnTap? onTap, Duration? duration = const Duration(seconds: 3), bool isDismissible = true, DismissDirection? dismissDirection, bool showProgressIndicator = false, AnimationController? progressIndicatorController, Color? progressIndicatorBackgroundColor, Animation<Color>? progressIndicatorValueColor, SnackPosition snackPosition = SnackPosition.BOTTOM, SnackStyle snackStyle = SnackStyle.FLOATING, Curve forwardAnimationCurve = Curves.easeOutCirc, Curve reverseAnimationCurve = Curves.easeOutCirc, Duration animationDuration = const Duration(seconds: 1), SnackbarStatusCallback? snackBarStatus, double barBlur = 0.0, double overlayBlur = 0.0, Color? overlayColor, Form? userInputForm}) SnackbarController

Available on GoInterface, provided by the ExtensionSnackBar extension

showOverlay<T>({required Future<T> asyncFunction(), Color opacityColor = Colors.black, Widget? loadingWidget, double opacity = .5}) Future<T>

Available on GoInterface, provided by the OverlayExt extension

showSnackBar(GetSnackBar snackbar) SnackbarController

Available on GoInterface, provided by the ExtensionSnackBar extension

snackbar(String title, String message, {Color? colorText, Duration? duration = const Duration(seconds: 3), bool instantInit = true, SnackPosition? snackPosition, Widget? titleText, Widget? messageText, Widget? icon, bool? shouldIconPulse, double? maxWidth, EdgeInsets? margin, EdgeInsets? padding, double? borderRadius, Color? borderColor, double? borderWidth, Color? backgroundColor, Color? leftBarIndicatorColor, List<BoxShadow>? boxShadows, Gradient? backgroundGradient, TextButton? mainButton, OnTap? onTap, bool? isDismissible, bool? showProgressIndicator, DismissDirection? dismissDirection, AnimationController? progressIndicatorController, Color? progressIndicatorBackgroundColor, Animation<Color>? progressIndicatorValueColor, SnackStyle? snackStyle, Curve? forwardAnimationCurve, Curve? reverseAnimationCurve, Duration? animationDuration, double? barBlur, double? overlayBlur, SnackbarStatusCallback? snackBarStatus, Color? overlayColor, Form? userInputForm}) SnackbarController

Available on GoInterface, provided by the ExtensionSnackBar extension

to<T>(String location, {Map<String, dynamic> pathParams = const <String, dynamic>{}, Map<String, dynamic> queryParams = const <String, dynamic>{}, Map<String, dynamic> params = const <String, dynamic>{}}) Future<T?>

Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension

toNamed<T>(String name, {Map<String, String> pathParams = const <String, String>{}, Map<String, dynamic> queryParams = const <String, dynamic>{}, Map<String, dynamic> params = const <String, dynamic>{}}) Future<T?>

Available on GoInterface, provided by the GoNavigation extension

toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.