fromPlatform static method

Future<PackageInfo> fromPlatform({
  1. String? baseUrl,

Retrieves package information from the platform. The result is cached.

The baseUrl parameter is for web use only and the other platforms will ignore it.

Web platform

In a web environment, the package uses the version.json file that it is generated in the build process.

The package will try to locate this file in 3 ways:

  • If you provide the optional custom baseUrl parameter, it will be used as the first option where to search. Example:

    await PackageInfo.fromPlatform(baseUrl: '');

    With this, the package will try to search the file in

  • The second option where it will search is the assetBase parameter that you can pass to the Flutter Web Engine when you initialize it.

        onEntrypointLoaded: async function(engineInitializer) {
          let appRunner = await engineInitializer.initializeEngine({
            assetBase: ""

    For more information about the Flutter Web Engine initialization see here:

  • Finally, if none of the previous locations return the version.json file, the package will use the browser window base URL to resolve its location.


static Future<PackageInfo> fromPlatform({String? baseUrl}) async {
  if (_fromPlatform != null) {
    return _fromPlatform!;

  final platformData = await PackageInfoPlatform.instance.getAll(
    baseUrl: baseUrl,

  _fromPlatform = PackageInfo(
    appName: platformData.appName,
    packageName: platformData.packageName,
    version: platformData.version,
    buildNumber: platformData.buildNumber,
    buildSignature: platformData.buildSignature,
    installerStore: platformData.installerStore,
    installTime: platformData.installTime,
    updateTime: platformData.updateTime,
  return _fromPlatform!;