getNode method

Element? getNode()

Returns the DOM node associated with the mounted React composite / DOM component instance.

If you are rendering a function component using mount, calling getNode will throw a StateError.

  • Try using mountNode if it works for your application.

  • Otherwise, try getting the root using one of the following instead:

    queryByTestId(jacket.mountNode, yourRootNodeTestId);


Element? getNode() {
  if (!_isCompositeComponent && !_isDomComponent) {
    throw StateError(over_react.unindent('''
      getNode() is only supported when the rendered object is a DOM or composite (class based) component.

      If you are rendering a function component:
      1. Try using [mountNode] if it works for your application.
      2. Otherwise, try getting the root using one of the following instead:
          // or
          queryByTestId(jacket.mountNode, yourRootNodeTestId)

  return over_react.findDomNode(_renderedInstance);