AbstractTransitionComponent<T extends AbstractTransitionProps, S extends AbstractTransitionState> class abstract

How to use AbstractTransitionComponent:



$defaultConsumedProps Iterable<ConsumedProps>
The default consumed props, taken from the keys generated in the associated UiProps class.
no setterinherited
$isClassGenerated bool
Whether this class has been generated.
no setterinherited
childContextKeys Iterable<String>
Do not use.
no setterinherited
consumedProps Iterable<ConsumedProps>?
The sets of props that should be considered "consumed" by this component, and thus omitted when forwarding props and validated in propTypes.
no setterinherited
context ↔ dynamic
The context value from the contextType assigned to this component. The value is passed down from the provider of the same contextType. You can reference context in any of the lifecycle methods including the render function.
getter/setter pairinherited
contextKeys Iterable<String>
Do not use.
no setterinherited
contextType → Context?
The contextType property lets you consume the nearest current value of that context's Provider using context.
no setterinherited
defaultProps Map
Invoked once and cached when registerComponent is called. Values in the mapping will be set on props if that prop is not specified by the parent component.
no setteroverride
displayName String?
Allows the ReactJS displayName property to be set for debugging purposes.
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasTransition bool
Whether transitions are enabled for this component.
no setter
hasTransitionIn bool
Whether the Element returned by getTransitionDomNode will have a transition event when showing.
no setter
hasTransitionOut bool
Whether the Element returned by getTransitionDomNode will have a transition event when hiding.
no setter
initiallyShown bool
Whether the AbstractTransitionComponent should be visible initially when mounted.
no setter
initialState Map
Invoked once before the Component is mounted. The return value will be used as the initial value of state.
no setteroverride
isOrWillBeHidden bool
Whether the AbstractTransitionComponent is hidden or in the process of hiding.
no setter
isOrWillBeShown bool
Whether the AbstractTransitionComponent is shown or in the process of showing.
no setter
isShown bool
Whether the AbstractTransitionComponent is in a "visible" state.
no setter
jsThis ↔ ReactComponent
The JavaScript ReactComponent instance of this Component returned by render.
getter/setter pairinherited
nextContext Map?
Do not use.
getter/setter pairinherited
nextProps Map
Do not use.
getter/setter pairinherited
nextState Map
Do not use.
no setterinherited
prevContext Map?
Do not use.
getter/setter pairinherited
prevState Map
Do not use.
getter/setter pairinherited
props ↔ T
A typed view into the component's current JS props object.
getter/setter pairinherited
propsMeta PropsMetaCollection
A collection of metadata for the prop fields in all prop mixins used by this component's generated props class.
no setterinherited
propTypes Map<String, PropValidator<T>>
Allows usage of react.PropValidator functions to check the validity of a prop within the props passed to it.
no setterinherited
ref ↔ RefMethod
Do not use.
getter/setter pairinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
setStateCallbacks List<SetStateCallback>
Do not use.
no setterinherited
shouldRender bool
Whether the AbstractTransitionComponent should render.
no setter
state ↔ S
A typed view into the component's current JS state object.
getter/setter pairinherited
transactionalSetStateCallbacks List<StateUpdaterCallback>
The List of transactional setState callbacks to be called before the component updates.
no setterinherited
transitionInCount int
The number of transitionend events that occur when the transition node is shown.
no setter
transitionOutCount int
The number of transitionend events that occur when the transition node is hidden.
no setter
transitionTimeout Duration
The duration that can elapse before a transition timeout occurs.
no setter
unwrappedProps Map
Deprecated; do not use. Will be removed alongside UiComponent.
getter/setter pairinherited
unwrappedState Map
Deprecated; do not use. Will be removed alongside UiComponent.
getter/setter pairinherited


addUnconsumedDomProps(Map props) → void
A prop modifier that passes a reference of a component's props to be updated with any unconsumed DomProps.
addUnconsumedProps(Map props) → void
A prop modifier that passes a reference of a component's props to be updated with any unconsumed props.
awaitBeforeDispose<T>(Future<T> future) Future<T>
Add future to a list of futures that will be awaited before the object is disposed.
componentDidCatch(dynamic error, ReactErrorInfo info) → void
ReactJS lifecycle method that is invoked after an error is thrown by a descendant.
componentDidMount() → void
ReactJS lifecycle method that is invoked once, only on the client (not on the server), immediately after the initial rendering occurs.
componentDidUpdate(Map prevProps, Map prevState, [dynamic _]) → void
ReactJS lifecycle method that is invoked immediately after the Component's updates are flushed to the DOM.
componentWillMount() → void
ReactJS lifecycle method that is invoked once immediately before the initial rendering occurs.
componentWillReceiveProps(Map nextProps) → void
ReactJS lifecycle method that is invoked when a Component is receiving new props (nextProps).
componentWillReceivePropsWithContext(Map newProps, dynamic nextContext) → void
Do not use; this is part of the legacy context API.
componentWillUnmount() → void
ReactJS lifecycle method that is invoked immediately before a Component is unmounted from the DOM.
componentWillUpdate(Map nextProps, Map nextState) → void
ReactJS lifecycle method that is invoked when a Component is receiving new props (nextProps) and/or state (nextState).
componentWillUpdateWithContext(Map nextProps, Map nextState, dynamic nextContext) → void
Do not use; this is part of the legacy context API.
copyProps({bool omitReservedReactProps = true, bool onlyCopyDomProps = false, Iterable? keysToOmit, Iterable<Iterable>? keySetsToOmit}) Map
Returns a copy of this component's props with React props optionally omitted, and with the specified keysToOmit and keySetsToOmit omitted.
copyUnconsumedDomProps() Map
Returns a copy of this component's props with keys found in consumedProps and non-DOM props omitted.
copyUnconsumedProps() Map
Returns a copy of this component's props with keys found in consumedProps omitted.
forceUpdate([SetStateCallback? callback]) → void
Causes render to be called, skipping shouldComponentUpdate.
forwardingClassNameBuilder() ClassNameBuilder
Returns a ClassNameBuilder with className and blacklist values added from CssClassPropsMixin.className and CssClassPropsMixin.classNameBlacklist, if they are specified.
getChildContext() Map<String, dynamic>
Do not use; this is part of the legacy context API.
getDefaultProps() Map
Invoked once and cached when registerComponent is called. Values in the mapping will be set on props if that prop is not specified by the parent component.
getDerivedStateFromError(dynamic error) Map?
ReactJS lifecycle method that is invoked after an error is thrown by a descendant.
getDerivedStateFromProps(Map nextProps, Map prevState) Map?
ReactJS lifecycle method that is invoked before rendering when new props (nextProps) are received.
getInitialState() Map
Invoked once before the Component is mounted. The return value will be used as the initial value of state.
getManagedDelayedFuture<T>(Duration duration, T callback()) Future<T>
Creates a Future that will complete, with the value returned by callback, after the given amount of time has elapsed.
getManagedDisposer(Disposer disposer) → ManagedDisposer
Automatically handle arbitrary disposals using a callback.
getManagedPeriodicTimer(Duration duration, void callback(Timer timer)) Timer
Creates a periodic Timer that will be cancelled if active upon disposal.
getManagedTimer(Duration duration, void callback()) Timer
Creates a Timer instance that will be cancelled if active upon disposal.
getPropKey(void accessProp(T props)) String?
Returns the string key of the factory prop accessed in accessProp, including the namespace if one exists.
getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(Map prevProps, Map prevState) → dynamic
ReactJS lifecycle method that is invoked immediately after re-rendering when new props and/or state values are committed.
getTransitionDomNode() Element?
Returns the DOM node that will transition.
getTransitionTestAttributes() Map<String, String?>
Returns attributes only available during testing that indicate the state of the transition.
handleHidden() → void
Method that will be called when AbstractTransitionComponent first enters the hidden state.
handleHiding() → void
Method that will be called when AbstractTransitionComponent first enters the hiding state.
handlePreShowing() → void
Method that will be called when AbstractTransitionComponent first enters the preShowing state.
handleShowing() → void
Method that will be called when AbstractTransitionComponent first enters the showing state.
handleShown() → void
Method that will be called when AbstractTransitionComponent first enters the shown state.
hide() → void
Hides the AbstractTransitionComponent by removing the CSS class that invokes a CSS transition.
initComponentInternal(Map props, void _jsRedraw(), [RefMethod? ref, dynamic _jsThis, Map? context]) → dynamic
Do not use.
initStateInternal() → dynamic
Do not use.
keyForProp(void accessProp(T props)) String
Returns the string key of the factory prop accessed in accessProp, including the namespace if one exists.
listenToStream<T>(Stream<T> stream, void onData(T event), {Function? onError, void onDone()?, bool? cancelOnError}) StreamSubscription<T>
Returns a StreamSubscription which handles events from the stream using the provided onData, onError and onDone handlers.
manageAndReturnDisposable(Disposable disposable) → Disposable
manageAndReturnTypedDisposable<T extends Disposable>(T disposable) → T
Automatically dispose another object when this object is disposed.
manageCompleter<T>(Completer<T> completer) Completer<T>
Ensure that a completer is completed when the object is disposed.
manageDisposable(Disposable disposable) → void
manageDisposer(Disposer disposer) → void
DEPRECATED. Use getManagedDisposer instead.
manageStreamController(StreamController controller) → void
Automatically cancel a stream controller when this object is disposed.
manageStreamSubscription(StreamSubscription subscription) → void
DEPRECATED. Use listenToStream instead.
newProps() → T
Returns a typed props object backed by a Map.
newState() → S
Returns a typed state object backed by a Map.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
onNextTransitionEnd(dynamic complete()) → void
Listens for the next transitionend event and invokes a callback after the event is dispatched.
prepareHide() → void
Method that will be called right before the AbstractTransitionComponent begins to hide.
prepareShow() → void
Method that will be called right before the AbstractTransitionComponent begins to show.
redraw([dynamic callback()?]) → void
Deprecated. Will be removed when Component is removed in a future major release.
render() → dynamic
Examines props and state and returns a ReactNode.
replaceState(Map? newState, [SetStateCallback? callback]) → void
Do not use.
setState(covariant Map? newState, [SetStateCallback? callback]) → void
Triggers a rerender with new state obtained by shallow-merging newState into the current state.
setStateWithUpdater(covariant Map? updater(S prevState, T props), [dynamic callback()?]) → void
Triggers a rerender with new state obtained by shallow-merging the return value of updater into the current state.
shouldComponentUpdate(Map nextProps, Map nextState) bool
ReactJS lifecycle method that is invoked before rendering when nextProps and/or nextState are being received.
shouldComponentUpdateWithContext(Map nextProps, Map nextState, dynamic nextContext) bool
Do not use; this is part of the legacy context API.
show() → void
Shows the AbstractTransitionComponent by adding the CSS class that invokes a CSS transition.
toggle() → void
Toggles the visibility of the AbstractTransitionComponent based on the value of AbstractTransitionState.transitionPhase.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
transferComponentState() → void
Do not use.
typedPropsFactory(Map propsMap) → T
Returns a typed props object backed by the specified propsMap.
typedPropsFactoryJs(JsBackedMap propsMap) → T
Returns a typed props object backed by the specified propsMap.
typedStateFactory(Map stateMap) → S
Returns a typed state object backed by the specified stateMap.
typedStateFactoryJs(JsBackedMap stateMap) → S
Returns a typed state object backed by the specified stateMap.
validateProps(Map appliedProps) → void
Throws a PropError if appliedProps are invalid.
validateRequiredProps(Map appliedProps) → void
Validates that props with the @requiredProp annotation are present. Deprecated. Will be removed in the 4.0.0 release.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


transitionPhaseTestAttr → const String
The DOM attribute used to indicate the current transition phase, added in test mode in getTransitionTestAttributes.