toMap method

Map<String, dynamic> toMap()

toMap method to convert the parameters to a map


Map<String, dynamic> toMap() {
  final map = <String, dynamic>{};
  if (bearings != null) {
    map['bearings'] = bearings!.map((e) => e.join(',')).join(';');
  if (radiuses != null) {
    map['radiuses'] = radiuses!.join(';');
  if (generateHints != null) {
    map['generate_hints'] = generateHints!;
  if (hints != null) {
    map['hints'] = hints!.join(';');
  if (approaches != null) {
    map['approaches'] = approaches!
        .map((e) => => e.toString().split('.').last).join(','))
  if (exclude != null) {
    map['exclude'] = exclude!.join(',');
  if (snapping != null) {
    map['snapping'] = snapping!;
  if (skipWaypoints != null) {
    map['skip_waypoints'] = skipWaypoints!.join(';');
  if (classes != null) {
    map['classes'] = classes!.join(',');
  return map;