deleteIdentity method

Future<Response<void>> deleteIdentity({
  1. required String id,
  2. CancelToken? cancelToken,
  3. Map<String, dynamic>? headers,
  4. Map<String, dynamic>? extra,
  5. ValidateStatus? validateStatus,
  6. ProgressCallback? onSendProgress,
  7. ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress,

Delete an Identity Calling this endpoint irrecoverably and permanently deletes the identity given its ID. This action can not be undone. This endpoint returns 204 when the identity was deleted or when the identity was not found, in which case it is assumed that is has been deleted already.


  • id - ID is the identity's ID.
  • cancelToken - A CancelToken that can be used to cancel the operation
  • headers - Can be used to add additional headers to the request
  • extras - Can be used to add flags to the request
  • validateStatus - A ValidateStatus callback that can be used to determine request success based on the HTTP status of the response
  • onSendProgress - A ProgressCallback that can be used to get the send progress
  • onReceiveProgress - A ProgressCallback that can be used to get the receive progress

Returns a Future Throws DioError if API call or serialization fails


Future<Response<void>> deleteIdentity({
  required String id,
  CancelToken? cancelToken,
  Map<String, dynamic>? headers,
  Map<String, dynamic>? extra,
  ValidateStatus? validateStatus,
  ProgressCallback? onSendProgress,
  ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress,
}) async {
  final _path = r'/admin/identities/{id}'.replaceAll('{' r'id' '}', id.toString());
  final _options = Options(
    method: r'DELETE',
    headers: <String, dynamic>{
    extra: <String, dynamic>{
      'secure': <Map<String, String>>[
          'type': 'apiKey',
          'name': 'oryAccessToken',
          'keyName': 'Authorization',
          'where': 'header',
    validateStatus: validateStatus,

  final _response = await _dio.request<Object>(
    options: _options,
    cancelToken: cancelToken,
    onSendProgress: onSendProgress,
    onReceiveProgress: onReceiveProgress,

  return _response;