IdentityApi class


IdentityApi(Dio _dio, Serializers _serializers)


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


batchPatchIdentities({PatchIdentitiesBody? patchIdentitiesBody, CancelToken? cancelToken, Map<String, dynamic>? headers, Map<String, dynamic>? extra, ValidateStatus? validateStatus, ProgressCallback? onSendProgress, ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress}) Future<Response<BatchPatchIdentitiesResponse>>
Create and deletes multiple identities Creates or delete multiple identities. This endpoint can also be used to import credentials for instance passwords, social sign in configurations or multifactor methods.
createIdentity({CreateIdentityBody? createIdentityBody, CancelToken? cancelToken, Map<String, dynamic>? headers, Map<String, dynamic>? extra, ValidateStatus? validateStatus, ProgressCallback? onSendProgress, ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress}) Future<Response<Identity>>
Create an Identity Create an identity. This endpoint can also be used to import credentials for instance passwords, social sign in configurations or multifactor methods.
createRecoveryCodeForIdentity({CreateRecoveryCodeForIdentityBody? createRecoveryCodeForIdentityBody, CancelToken? cancelToken, Map<String, dynamic>? headers, Map<String, dynamic>? extra, ValidateStatus? validateStatus, ProgressCallback? onSendProgress, ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress}) Future<Response<RecoveryCodeForIdentity>>
Create a Recovery Code This endpoint creates a recovery code which should be given to the user in order for them to recover (or activate) their account.
createRecoveryLinkForIdentity({String? returnTo, CreateRecoveryLinkForIdentityBody? createRecoveryLinkForIdentityBody, CancelToken? cancelToken, Map<String, dynamic>? headers, Map<String, dynamic>? extra, ValidateStatus? validateStatus, ProgressCallback? onSendProgress, ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress}) Future<Response<RecoveryLinkForIdentity>>
Create a Recovery Link This endpoint creates a recovery link which should be given to the user in order for them to recover (or activate) their account.
deleteIdentity({required String id, CancelToken? cancelToken, Map<String, dynamic>? headers, Map<String, dynamic>? extra, ValidateStatus? validateStatus, ProgressCallback? onSendProgress, ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress}) Future<Response<void>>
Delete an Identity Calling this endpoint irrecoverably and permanently deletes the identity given its ID. This action can not be undone. This endpoint returns 204 when the identity was deleted or when the identity was not found, in which case it is assumed that is has been deleted already.
deleteIdentityCredentials({required String id, required String type, CancelToken? cancelToken, Map<String, dynamic>? headers, Map<String, dynamic>? extra, ValidateStatus? validateStatus, ProgressCallback? onSendProgress, ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress}) Future<Response<void>>
Delete a credential for a specific identity Delete an identity credential by its type You can only delete second factor (aal2) credentials.
deleteIdentitySessions({required String id, CancelToken? cancelToken, Map<String, dynamic>? headers, Map<String, dynamic>? extra, ValidateStatus? validateStatus, ProgressCallback? onSendProgress, ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress}) Future<Response<void>>
Delete & Invalidate an Identity's Sessions Calling this endpoint irrecoverably and permanently deletes and invalidates all sessions that belong to the given Identity.
disableSession({required String id, CancelToken? cancelToken, Map<String, dynamic>? headers, Map<String, dynamic>? extra, ValidateStatus? validateStatus, ProgressCallback? onSendProgress, ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress}) Future<Response<void>>
Deactivate a Session Calling this endpoint deactivates the specified session. Session data is not deleted.
extendSession({required String id, CancelToken? cancelToken, Map<String, dynamic>? headers, Map<String, dynamic>? extra, ValidateStatus? validateStatus, ProgressCallback? onSendProgress, ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress}) Future<Response<Session>>
Extend a Session Calling this endpoint extends the given session ID. If `session.earliest_possible_extend` is set it will only extend the session after the specified time has passed. Retrieve the session ID from the `/sessions/whoami` endpoint / `toSession` SDK method.
getIdentity({required String id, BuiltList<String>? includeCredential, CancelToken? cancelToken, Map<String, dynamic>? headers, Map<String, dynamic>? extra, ValidateStatus? validateStatus, ProgressCallback? onSendProgress, ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress}) Future<Response<Identity>>
Get an Identity Return an identity by its ID. You can optionally include credentials (e.g. social sign in connections) in the response by using the `include_credential` query parameter.
getIdentitySchema({required String id, CancelToken? cancelToken, Map<String, dynamic>? headers, Map<String, dynamic>? extra, ValidateStatus? validateStatus, ProgressCallback? onSendProgress, ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress}) Future<Response<JsonObject>>
Get Identity JSON Schema Return a specific identity schema.
getSession({required String id, BuiltList<String>? expand, CancelToken? cancelToken, Map<String, dynamic>? headers, Map<String, dynamic>? extra, ValidateStatus? validateStatus, ProgressCallback? onSendProgress, ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress}) Future<Response<Session>>
Get Session This endpoint is useful for: Getting a session object with all specified expandables that exist in an administrative context.
listIdentities({int? perPage = 250, int? page, int? pageSize = 250, String? pageToken = '1', String? consistency, BuiltList<String>? ids, String? credentialsIdentifier, String? previewCredentialsIdentifierSimilar, CancelToken? cancelToken, Map<String, dynamic>? headers, Map<String, dynamic>? extra, ValidateStatus? validateStatus, ProgressCallback? onSendProgress, ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress}) Future<Response<BuiltList<Identity>>>
List Identities Lists all identities in the system.
listIdentitySchemas({int? perPage = 250, int? page, int? pageSize = 250, String? pageToken = '1', CancelToken? cancelToken, Map<String, dynamic>? headers, Map<String, dynamic>? extra, ValidateStatus? validateStatus, ProgressCallback? onSendProgress, ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress}) Future<Response<BuiltList<IdentitySchemaContainer>>>
Get all Identity Schemas Returns a list of all identity schemas currently in use.
listIdentitySessions({required String id, int? perPage = 250, int? page, int? pageSize = 250, String? pageToken = '1', bool? active, CancelToken? cancelToken, Map<String, dynamic>? headers, Map<String, dynamic>? extra, ValidateStatus? validateStatus, ProgressCallback? onSendProgress, ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress}) Future<Response<BuiltList<Session>>>
List an Identity's Sessions This endpoint returns all sessions that belong to the given Identity.
listSessions({int? pageSize = 250, String? pageToken, bool? active, BuiltList<String>? expand, CancelToken? cancelToken, Map<String, dynamic>? headers, Map<String, dynamic>? extra, ValidateStatus? validateStatus, ProgressCallback? onSendProgress, ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress}) Future<Response<BuiltList<Session>>>
List All Sessions Listing all sessions that exist.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
patchIdentity({required String id, BuiltList<JsonPatch>? jsonPatch, CancelToken? cancelToken, Map<String, dynamic>? headers, Map<String, dynamic>? extra, ValidateStatus? validateStatus, ProgressCallback? onSendProgress, ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress}) Future<Response<Identity>>
Patch an Identity Partially updates an identity's field using JSON Patch. The fields `id`, `stateChangedAt` and `credentials` can not be updated using this method.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updateIdentity({required String id, UpdateIdentityBody? updateIdentityBody, CancelToken? cancelToken, Map<String, dynamic>? headers, Map<String, dynamic>? extra, ValidateStatus? validateStatus, ProgressCallback? onSendProgress, ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress}) Future<Response<Identity>>
Update an Identity This endpoint updates an identity. The full identity payload (except credentials) is expected. It is possible to update the identity's credentials as well.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.