ory_hydra_client (EXPERIMENTAL)

Documentation for all of Ory Hydra's APIs.

This Dart package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: v2.2.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.DartDioClientCodegen


Installation & Usage


To use the package from pub.dev, please include the following in pubspec.yaml

  ory_hydra_client: 2.2.0


If this Dart package is published to Github, please include the following in pubspec.yaml

      url: https://github.com/ory/sdk.git
      #ref: main

Local development

To use the package from your local drive, please include the following in pubspec.yaml

    path: /path/to/ory_hydra_client

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

import 'package:ory_hydra_client/ory_hydra_client.dart';

final api = OryHydraClient().getJwkApi();
final String set_ = set__example; // String | The JSON Web Key Set ID
final CreateJsonWebKeySet createJsonWebKeySet = ; // CreateJsonWebKeySet | 

try {
    final response = await api.createJsonWebKeySet(set_, createJsonWebKeySet);
} catch on DioError (e) {
    print("Exception when calling JwkApi->createJsonWebKeySet: $e\n");

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to http://localhost

Class Method HTTP request Description
JwkApi createJsonWebKeySet POST /admin/keys/{set} Create JSON Web Key
JwkApi deleteJsonWebKey DELETE /admin/keys/{set}/{kid} Delete JSON Web Key
JwkApi deleteJsonWebKeySet DELETE /admin/keys/{set} Delete JSON Web Key Set
JwkApi getJsonWebKey GET /admin/keys/{set}/{kid} Get JSON Web Key
JwkApi getJsonWebKeySet GET /admin/keys/{set} Retrieve a JSON Web Key Set
JwkApi setJsonWebKey PUT /admin/keys/{set}/{kid} Set JSON Web Key
JwkApi setJsonWebKeySet PUT /admin/keys/{set} Update a JSON Web Key Set
MetadataApi getVersion GET /version Return Running Software Version.
MetadataApi isAlive GET /health/alive Check HTTP Server Status
MetadataApi isReady GET /health/ready Check HTTP Server and Database Status
OAuth2Api acceptOAuth2ConsentRequest PUT /admin/oauth2/auth/requests/consent/accept Accept OAuth 2.0 Consent Request
OAuth2Api acceptOAuth2LoginRequest PUT /admin/oauth2/auth/requests/login/accept Accept OAuth 2.0 Login Request
OAuth2Api acceptOAuth2LogoutRequest PUT /admin/oauth2/auth/requests/logout/accept Accept OAuth 2.0 Session Logout Request
OAuth2Api createOAuth2Client POST /admin/clients Create OAuth 2.0 Client
OAuth2Api deleteOAuth2Client DELETE /admin/clients/{id} Delete OAuth 2.0 Client
OAuth2Api deleteOAuth2Token DELETE /admin/oauth2/tokens Delete OAuth 2.0 Access Tokens from specific OAuth 2.0 Client
OAuth2Api deleteTrustedOAuth2JwtGrantIssuer DELETE /admin/trust/grants/jwt-bearer/issuers/{id} Delete Trusted OAuth2 JWT Bearer Grant Type Issuer
OAuth2Api getOAuth2Client GET /admin/clients/{id} Get an OAuth 2.0 Client
OAuth2Api getOAuth2ConsentRequest GET /admin/oauth2/auth/requests/consent Get OAuth 2.0 Consent Request
OAuth2Api getOAuth2LoginRequest GET /admin/oauth2/auth/requests/login Get OAuth 2.0 Login Request
OAuth2Api getOAuth2LogoutRequest GET /admin/oauth2/auth/requests/logout Get OAuth 2.0 Session Logout Request
OAuth2Api getTrustedOAuth2JwtGrantIssuer GET /admin/trust/grants/jwt-bearer/issuers/{id} Get Trusted OAuth2 JWT Bearer Grant Type Issuer
OAuth2Api introspectOAuth2Token POST /admin/oauth2/introspect Introspect OAuth2 Access and Refresh Tokens
OAuth2Api listOAuth2Clients GET /admin/clients List OAuth 2.0 Clients
OAuth2Api listOAuth2ConsentSessions GET /admin/oauth2/auth/sessions/consent List OAuth 2.0 Consent Sessions of a Subject
OAuth2Api listTrustedOAuth2JwtGrantIssuers GET /admin/trust/grants/jwt-bearer/issuers List Trusted OAuth2 JWT Bearer Grant Type Issuers
OAuth2Api oAuth2Authorize GET /oauth2/auth OAuth 2.0 Authorize Endpoint
OAuth2Api oauth2TokenExchange POST /oauth2/token The OAuth 2.0 Token Endpoint
OAuth2Api patchOAuth2Client PATCH /admin/clients/{id} Patch OAuth 2.0 Client
OAuth2Api rejectOAuth2ConsentRequest PUT /admin/oauth2/auth/requests/consent/reject Reject OAuth 2.0 Consent Request
OAuth2Api rejectOAuth2LoginRequest PUT /admin/oauth2/auth/requests/login/reject Reject OAuth 2.0 Login Request
OAuth2Api rejectOAuth2LogoutRequest PUT /admin/oauth2/auth/requests/logout/reject Reject OAuth 2.0 Session Logout Request
OAuth2Api revokeOAuth2ConsentSessions DELETE /admin/oauth2/auth/sessions/consent Revoke OAuth 2.0 Consent Sessions of a Subject
OAuth2Api revokeOAuth2LoginSessions DELETE /admin/oauth2/auth/sessions/login Revokes OAuth 2.0 Login Sessions by either a Subject or a SessionID
OAuth2Api revokeOAuth2Token POST /oauth2/revoke Revoke OAuth 2.0 Access or Refresh Token
OAuth2Api setOAuth2Client PUT /admin/clients/{id} Set OAuth 2.0 Client
OAuth2Api setOAuth2ClientLifespans PUT /admin/clients/{id}/lifespans Set OAuth2 Client Token Lifespans
OAuth2Api trustOAuth2JwtGrantIssuer POST /admin/trust/grants/jwt-bearer/issuers Trust OAuth2 JWT Bearer Grant Type Issuer
OidcApi createOidcDynamicClient POST /oauth2/register Register OAuth2 Client using OpenID Dynamic Client Registration
OidcApi createVerifiableCredential POST /credentials Issues a Verifiable Credential
OidcApi deleteOidcDynamicClient DELETE /oauth2/register/{id} Delete OAuth 2.0 Client using the OpenID Dynamic Client Registration Management Protocol
OidcApi discoverOidcConfiguration GET /.well-known/openid-configuration OpenID Connect Discovery
OidcApi getOidcDynamicClient GET /oauth2/register/{id} Get OAuth2 Client using OpenID Dynamic Client Registration
OidcApi getOidcUserInfo GET /userinfo OpenID Connect Userinfo
OidcApi revokeOidcSession GET /oauth2/sessions/logout OpenID Connect Front- and Back-channel Enabled Logout
OidcApi setOidcDynamicClient PUT /oauth2/register/{id} Set OAuth2 Client using OpenID Dynamic Client Registration
WellknownApi discoverJsonWebKeys GET /.well-known/jwks.json Discover Well-Known JSON Web Keys

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:


  • Type: HTTP basic authentication


  • Type: HTTP basic authentication


  • Type: OAuth
  • Flow: accessCode
  • Authorization URL: https://hydra.demo.ory.sh/oauth2/auth
  • Scopes:
  • offline: A scope required when requesting refresh tokens (alias for offline_access)
  • offline_access: A scope required when requesting refresh tokens
  • openid: Request an OpenID Connect ID Token



