OrgTree class sealed

A node potentially containing OrgSections



attachDir → ({String dir, OrgAttachDirType type})?
Get the directory in which attachments are expected to be found for this section. The behavior follows Org Mode defaults: org-attach-use-inheritance is selective and org-use-property-inheritance is nil, meaning that the relevant properties are not inherited from parent sections.
no setter
children List<OrgNode>
Leading content, if present, followed by sections
no setteroverride
content OrgContent?
Leading content
customIds List<String>
Get the CUSTOM_ID properties from this section's PROPERTIES drawer, if any.
no setter
dirs List<String>
Get the DIR properties from this section's PROPERTIES drawer, if any.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
id String
A unique ID for this node. Use this to identify nodes across edits via OrgTree.edit, because OrgParentNodes can be recreated and thus will not be equal via identical.
ids List<String>
Get the ID properties from this section's PROPERTIES drawer, if any.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
sections List<OrgSection>
Sections contained within this tree. These are also iterated by children.


contains(Pattern pattern, {bool includeChildren = true}) bool
Return true if this node or any of its children recursively match the supplied pattern
edit() OrgZipper
Obtain a zipper starting at the root of this tree. The zipper can be used to edit the tree; call ZipperLocation.commit to obtain a new tree with the edits applied.
editNode(OrgNode node) OrgZipper?
Obtain a zipper for the specified node, which is presumed to be in this tree. Returns null if the node is not found. The zipper can be used to edit the tree; call ZipperLocation.commit to obtain a new tree with the edits applied.
find<T extends OrgNode>(bool predicate(T), [OrgPath path = const []]) → ({T node, OrgPath path})?
Find the first node in the AST that satisfies predicate. Specify a type T to only visit nodes of that type. Returns a tuple of the node and its path from the root of the tree, or null if no node is found.
findContainingTree<T extends OrgNode>(T node, {bool where(OrgTree)?}) OrgTree?
Find the immediate parent OrgSection or OrgDocument of the specified node.
fromChildren(List<OrgNode> children) OrgParentNode
getProperties(String key) List<String>
Get the properties corresponding to key from this section's PROPERTIES drawer, if any.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toMarkup({OrgSerializer? serializer}) String
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
visit<T extends OrgNode>(bool visitor(T)) bool
Walk AST with visitor. Specify a type T to only visit nodes of that type. The visitor function must return true to continue iterating, or false to stop.
visitSections(bool visitor(OrgSection)) bool
Walk only section nodes of the AST with visitor. More efficient than calling visit. The visitor function must return true to continue iterating, or false to stop.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.