api library
- Attribute
- A representation of a single piece of metadata attached to trace span.
- Context
- IdGenerator
- Generator capable of creating OTel compliant IDs.
- InstrumentationLibrary
- Represents versioning metadata for this library within applications which use multiple implementations of OpenTelemetry.
- NonRecordingSpan
- A class representing a api.Span which should not be sampled or recorded.
- ResourceAttributes
- Common OpenTelemetry attribute keys for resource information.
- SemanticAttributes
- Common OpenTelemetry attribute keys for non-resource information.
- Span
- A representation of a single operation within a trace.
- SpanContext
- Representation of the context of an individual span.
- SpanExporter
- SpanId
- Class representing an ID for a single api.Span. See https://www.w3.org/TR/trace-context/#parent-id for full specification.
- SpanLink
- SpanProcessor
- SpanStatus
- A representation of the status of a Span.
C> - Interface that allows a api.TextMapPropagator to read propagated fields from a carrier.
C> - A class responsible for performing the injection and extraction of a cross-cutting concern value as string key/values pairs into carriers that travel across process boundaries.
C> - Class that allows a api.TextMapPropagator to set propagated fields into a carrier.
- TraceFlags
- A class which controls tracing flags for sampling, trace level, and so forth. See https://www.w3.org/TR/trace-context/#trace-flags for full specification.
- TraceId
- Class representing an ID for a single Trace. See https://www.w3.org/TR/trace-context/#trace-id for full specification.
- Tracer
- An interface for creating api.Spans and propagating context in-process.
- TracerProvider
- A registry for creating named api.Tracers.
- TraceState
- Representation of the state of a trace.
- SpanKind
- StatusCode
- The set of canonical status codes.
- globalTextMapPropagator → TextMapPropagator?
no setter
- globalTracerProvider → TracerProvider
no setter
TextMapPropagator textMapPropagator) → void -
TracerProvider tracerProvider) → void -
T> (String name, Future< T> fn(), {Context? context, Tracer? tracer}) → Future<T> -
Records a span of the given
for the given function with a given api.Tracer and marks the span as errored if an exception occurs. -
R> (String name, R fn(), {Context? context, Tracer? tracer}) → R -
Use traceSync instead of trace when
is not an async function.