fromBytesAsync(String framework, Uint8List bufferModel, {Uint8List? bufferConfig})
→ Future<Net>
Available on Net,
provided by the NetAsync extension
fromCaffeAsync(String prototxt, String caffeModel)
→ Future<Net>
Available on Net,
provided by the NetAsync extension
fromCaffeBytesAsync(Uint8List bufferProto, Uint8List bufferModel)
→ Future<Net>
Available on Net,
provided by the NetAsync extension
fromFileAsync(String path, {String config = "", String framework = ""})
→ Future<Net>
Available on Net,
provided by the NetAsync extension
fromOnnxAsync(String path)
→ Future<Net>
Available on Net,
provided by the NetAsync extension
fromOnnxBytesAsync(Uint8List bufferModel)
→ Future<Net>
Available on Net,
provided by the NetAsync extension
fromTensorflowAsync(String path, {String config = ""})
→ Future<Net>
Available on Net,
provided by the NetAsync extension
fromTensorflowBytesAsync(Uint8List bufferModel, {Uint8List? bufferConfig})
→ Future<Net>
Available on Net,
provided by the NetAsync extension
fromTFLiteAsync(String path)
→ Future<Net>
Available on Net,
provided by the NetAsync extension
fromTFLiteBytesAsync(Uint8List bufferModel)
→ Future<Net>
Available on Net,
provided by the NetAsync extension
fromTorchAsync(String path, {bool isBinary = true, bool evaluate = true})
→ Future<Net>
Available on Net,
provided by the NetAsync extension