NetAsync extension



forwardAsync({String outputName = ""}) Future<Mat>

Available on Net, provided by the NetAsync extension

forwardLayersAsync(List<String> names) Future<VecMat>

Available on Net, provided by the NetAsync extension

getInputDetailsAsync() Future<(VecF32, VecI32)>

Available on Net, provided by the NetAsync extension

getLayerNamesAsync() Future<List<String>>

Available on Net, provided by the NetAsync extension

getPerfProfileAsync() Future<(int, VecF64)>

Available on Net, provided by the NetAsync extension

getUnconnectedOutLayersAsync() Future<VecI32>

Available on Net, provided by the NetAsync extension

setInputAsync(InputArray blob, {String name = "", double scalefactor = 1.0, Scalar? mean}) Future<void>

Available on Net, provided by the NetAsync extension

Static Methods

fromBytesAsync(String framework, Uint8List bufferModel, {Uint8List? bufferConfig}) Future<Net>

Available on Net, provided by the NetAsync extension

fromCaffeAsync(String prototxt, String caffeModel) Future<Net>

Available on Net, provided by the NetAsync extension

fromCaffeBytesAsync(Uint8List bufferProto, Uint8List bufferModel) Future<Net>

Available on Net, provided by the NetAsync extension

fromFileAsync(String path, {String config = "", String framework = ""}) Future<Net>

Available on Net, provided by the NetAsync extension

fromOnnxAsync(String path) Future<Net>

Available on Net, provided by the NetAsync extension

fromOnnxBytesAsync(Uint8List bufferModel) Future<Net>

Available on Net, provided by the NetAsync extension

fromTensorflowAsync(String path, {String config = ""}) Future<Net>

Available on Net, provided by the NetAsync extension

fromTensorflowBytesAsync(Uint8List bufferModel, {Uint8List? bufferConfig}) Future<Net>

Available on Net, provided by the NetAsync extension

fromTFLiteAsync(String path) Future<Net>

Available on Net, provided by the NetAsync extension

fromTFLiteBytesAsync(Uint8List bufferModel) Future<Net>

Available on Net, provided by the NetAsync extension

fromTorchAsync(String path, {bool isBinary = true, bool evaluate = true}) Future<Net>

Available on Net, provided by the NetAsync extension