geocodeAutoCompleteGet method

Future<GeoJsonFeatureCollection> geocodeAutoCompleteGet({
  1. required String text,
  2. ORSCoordinate? focusPointCoordinate,
  3. ORSCoordinate? boundaryRectangleMinCoordinate,
  4. ORSCoordinate? boundaryRectangleMaxCoordinate,
  5. String? boundaryCountry,
  6. List<String>? sources,
  7. List<String> layers = const <String>[],

Fetches the Geocode Autocomplete data for the given text from chosen sources and using settings layers, and returns the entire geojson GeoJsonFeatureCollection containing the data.

Can be constrained using the various ORSCoordinate parameters.

GeoJsonFeatureCollection -> GeoJsonFeatureCollection.features is a list of GeoJsonFeatures whose have all the information about the result of the autocomplete query.

Information about the endpoint, parameters, response etc. can be found at:


Future<GeoJsonFeatureCollection> geocodeAutoCompleteGet({
  required String text,
  ORSCoordinate? focusPointCoordinate,
  ORSCoordinate? boundaryRectangleMinCoordinate,
  ORSCoordinate? boundaryRectangleMaxCoordinate,
  String? boundaryCountry,
  List<String>? sources,
  List<String> layers = const <String>[],
}) async {
  // Validate input.
  // Form input from parameters.
  sources ??= geocodeSourcesAvailable.toList();
  final String sourcesString = _validateAndJoinList(
    inputArr: sources,
    availableIterable: geocodeSourcesAvailable,
  final String layersString = _validateAndJoinList(
    inputArr: layers,
    availableIterable: geocodeLayersAvailable,
  String getURIString =
  if (layersString.isNotEmpty) {
    getURIString += '&layers=$layersString';
  if (focusPointCoordinate != null) {
    getURIString += '&focus.point.lon=${focusPointCoordinate.longitude}';
    getURIString += '&${focusPointCoordinate.latitude}';
  if (boundaryRectangleMinCoordinate != null) {
    getURIString +=
    getURIString +=
  if (boundaryRectangleMaxCoordinate != null) {
    getURIString +=
    getURIString +=
  if (boundaryCountry != null) {
    getURIString += '&$boundaryCountry';

  // Build the request URL.
  final Uri uri = Uri.parse(getURIString);
  final Map<String, dynamic> data = await _openRouteServiceGet(uri: uri);
  return GeoJsonFeatureCollection.fromJson(data);