ORSGeocode extension



geocodeLayersAvailable Set<String>
Available Layer settings for Geocoding
no setter
geocodeSourcesAvailable Set<String>
Available Sources for Geocoding
no setter


geocodeAutoCompleteGet({required String text, ORSCoordinate? focusPointCoordinate, ORSCoordinate? boundaryRectangleMinCoordinate, ORSCoordinate? boundaryRectangleMaxCoordinate, String? boundaryCountry, List<String>? sources, List<String> layers = const <String>[]}) Future<GeoJsonFeatureCollection>
Fetches the Geocode Autocomplete data for the given text from chosen sources and using settings layers, and returns the entire geojson GeoJsonFeatureCollection containing the data.
geocodeReverseGet({required ORSCoordinate point, double boundaryCircleRadius = 1, int size = 10, List<String> layers = const <String>[], List<String>? sources, String? boundaryCountry}) Future<GeoJsonFeatureCollection>
Fetches the Reverse Geocode data from the given sources and using settings layers, and returns the entire geojson GeoJsonFeatureCollection containing the data.
geocodeSearchGet({required String text, ORSCoordinate? focusPointCoordinate, ORSCoordinate? boundaryRectangleMinCoordinate, ORSCoordinate? boundaryRectangleMaxCoordinate, ORSCoordinate? boundaryCircleCoordinate, double boundaryCircleRadius = 50, String? boundaryGid, String? boundaryCountry, List<String>? sources, List<String> layers = const <String>[], int size = 10}) Future<GeoJsonFeatureCollection>
Fetches the Geocode Search data for the given search text from chosen sources and using settings layers, and returns the entire geojson GeoJsonFeatureCollection containing the data.
geocodeSearchStructuredGet({String? address, String? neighbourhood, String? country, String? postalcode, String? region, String? county, String? locality, String? borough, ORSCoordinate? focusPointCoordinate, ORSCoordinate? boundaryRectangleMinCoordinate, ORSCoordinate? boundaryRectangleMaxCoordinate, ORSCoordinate? boundaryCircleCoordinate, double boundaryCircleRadius = 50, String? boundaryCountry, List<String>? sources, List<String> layers = const <String>[], int size = 10}) Future<GeoJsonFeatureCollection>
Fetches the Geocode Structured Search data for the given search address and/or neighbourhood and/or country and/or postalcode and/or region and/or county and/or locality and/or borough from chosen sources and using settings layers, and returns the entire geojson GeoJsonFeatureCollection containing the data. Uses the Structured Search API endpoint.