openAppsSettings static method

Future<void> openAppsSettings({
  1. required SettingsCode settingsCode,
  2. Function? onCompletion,

openAppsSettings method is used to open settings. As a input user will specify which settings should be open. All SettingsCode are defined in SettingsCode enum. onCompletion method parameter is optional. If user wants to execute something after returning back from settings then can pass through onCompletion method


static Future<void> openAppsSettings(
    {required SettingsCode settingsCode, Function? onCompletion}) async {
  try {
    String code = settingsCode.toString().split('.').last;
    int res = await _channel
        .invokeMethod("openSettings", {"setting_code": code.toLowerCase()});
    if (res >= 0) {
      if (onCompletion != null) onCompletion();
  } on PlatformException catch (e) {
    throw PlatformException(
        code: e.code,
        message: e.message,
        details: e.details,
        stacktrace: e.stacktrace);