SolanaRPCMethods class
A class containing constants representing various Solana RPC methods.
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.
- getAccountInfo → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getBalance → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getBlock → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getBlockCommitment → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getBlockHeight → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getBlockProduction → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getBlocks → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getBlocksWithLimit → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getBlockTime → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getClusterNodes → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getEpochInfo → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getEpochSchedule → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getFeeForMessage → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getFirstAvailableBlock → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getGenesisHash → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getHealth → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getHighestSnapshotSlot → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getIdentity → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getInflationGovernor → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getInflationRate → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getInflationReward → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getLargestAccounts → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getLatestBlockhash → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getLeaderSchedule → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getMaxRetransmitSlot → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getMaxShredInsertSlot → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getMultipleAccounts → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getProgramAccounts → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getRecentPerformanceSamples → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getRecentPrioritizationFees → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getSignaturesForAddress → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getSignatureStatuses → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getSlot → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getSlotLeader → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getSlotLeaders → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getStakeActivation → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getStakeMinimumDelegation → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getSupply → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getTokenAccountBalance → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getTokenAccountsByDelegate → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getTokenAccountsByOwner → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getTokenLargestAccounts → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getTokenSupply → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getTransaction → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getTransactionCount → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getVersion → const SolanaRPCMethods
- getVoteAccounts → const SolanaRPCMethods
- isBlockhashValid → const SolanaRPCMethods
- minimumLedgerSlot → const SolanaRPCMethods
- requestAirdrop → const SolanaRPCMethods
- sendTransaction → const SolanaRPCMethods
- simulateTransaction → const SolanaRPCMethods